Boo Baskets 👻

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Being the youngest in the relationship you kept up with more current social events more so than your girlfriends. Billie was always asking you about the newest lingo and constantly showing you TikTok's. While Cordelia knew of some of it because of the girls in the coven she still wasn't very "hip" as she says. Wilhemina stayed away from it completely finding the app and most others to be idiotic.

However, it is now officially spooky season and you wanted to do something nice for your girls to ring in the season. What better way than a Boo Basket. Of course, the trend itself was a cute idea but you loved to shower the women with little gifts randomly so this gave you the perfect excuse.

The three baskets sat on the table waiting for their owners to arrive. Cordelia's basket was filled with her favorite herbs and spices. A new book that she's had her eyes on, a cozy sage green blanket, and a few candies you knew she loved.

Billie's basket was filled with fall-scented candles, perfume, her favorite "cheap" wine, pumpkin spice coffee beans, and a plush baby blue blanket.

Mina's basket was filled with lavender bath bombs, her favorite chocolate candy even though she swears she hates chocolate, lavender candles, and a royal purple blanket.

At the bottom of each basket was a fun little spicy gift for later.  You were so excited to give your gifts that you couldn't stand still as you waited for their arrival.

Finally, the front door opens and you hear
The sweet soft voices of your girlfriends.

"Babydoll?" Billie calls out.

"I'm in here," you yelled.

The three women walked into the kitchen each with a big smile on their face.

"Hi," you said cheerfully.

"Hi, sweetheart what are you doing?" Cordelia asked with a grin.

"I have gifts for each of you!" you said happily as you handed each woman a basket.

"What are these for?" Billie asked.

"It's a Boo Basket."

"A what?!" Mina asked as her left eyebrow arched.

You giggled " A boo basket. It's a trend on TikTok. You give your partner a basket of their favorite things for Halloween or fall. It's a really cute trend."

"Of course, this is the work of that God-forsaken app you all are obsessed with." the redhead says rolling her eyes.

"Awe come on Mina it's just a trend and I only did it because I wanted to get y'all stuff," you said pouting your lips.

The redhead rolls her eyes once more trying to act annoyed but you see the smallest little smirk on her lips.

"Oh y/n! I love this!" Billie squeals happily.

You laughed "I'm glad."

"That was such a sweet idea. Thank you babydoll." the blonde says as she hugs and kisses you.

"Sweetheart I've been dying to get this book. Thank you!" Cordelia grins.

You smiled wrapping your arms around her back. "You're welcome. I love you."

"I love you too." she smiles.

You sighed as you walked over to your most stubborn girlfriend. The redhead was sitting at the table looking at the items in front of her. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around her neck.

"Do you like it Mina?" you asked softly.

"Yes. But you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know. But I wanted to because I love you."

"Come here you." She says pulling you around to sit in her lap.

You giggled as her lips attached to yours.

"I love you little one."

"I love you too."

"I'll have to make you a basket as well." She says with a sweet smile.

"Actually there is a gift for me at the bottom of each of your baskets. Something for later," you said with a smirk.

"Oh really?" Cordelia asked.


Billie laughs as she pulls out the handcuffs from her basket. Cordelia follows showing the blindfolded, and Mina reveals the gag.

Her eyebrows arched as she looked at you
"Well, little one seems like we will be having quite a night Hmm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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