The Memo

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*Sorry it's been a while I've been working a lot lately.*

You were enjoying your day off when you received a phone call from Billie. She and Cordelia were in New York at the moment and wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. Billie called to say she couldn't get hold of Mina and they were worried about her. So you being the good girlfriend that you are you went to her job to find out what was going on.

You haven't visited Mina at work before and you hoped it wouldn't be a problem. It's taken the redhead a while to trust you fully and she's been trying harder to communicate with you. It's been a long journey but Mina is really trying and that's all that matters.

As you walked through the doors you made your way to the elevator to her floor. The doors opened on the 12th floor and you took a few deep breaths before walking out into the hallway. 

Walking around the corner you're met with a young girl at the desk just outside Mina's office.

"Hello." She says greeting you with a smile.
"What can I do for you today?"

"Hi. I'm here to see Wilhemina....umm Ms. Venable...I mean." You said shyly not knowing what to call her in her place of work.

The girl frowns. "Do you have an appointment?"

You shake your head "No I don't but..."

"Well, I'm sorry I can't let you in. Ms. Venable is a very busy woman and sees no one unless they have an appointment."

"I understand but if you tell her who I am she will let me in." You explained.

"What's your name?" The girl asked.

"Y/n y/l/n."

The girl takes a minute to scan some names on the paper in front of her. You see Cordelia's name and also Billie's which must mean Mina has a list of people she allows to visit her.

"I'm sorry your name isn't on the list."

You sighed heavily "Just please call her. She knows who I am. Or just let me talk to her."

"I'm sorry Ms. I can't do that. And if you don't leave I will call security."

"You can't do that!"

"Oh but I can," she smirked.

Before you can respond two large men walk up behind you grabbing your arms to escort you out of the building.

Once you were outside you sat in your car crying softly. You were embarrassed but also hurt that Mina hasn't added your name to her list. You finally decided to just head home when your phone starts ringing. It was Mina.

You cleared your throat before answering "Hello."

"Hello darling I was calling to let you know I would be home in about an hour. It's been crazy here today."

"Okay." You said sniffling.

"What's wrong?" She asked worry laced in her voice.


"Little one. Tell me please."

You shut your eyes as more tears fall down your cheeks.

"I came to visit you at work but the lady at the desk said my name wasn't on the list and I didn't have an appointment so she called security and these two big guys carried me out of the building."

"Where are you?"

"In the parking lot in my car why?"

"Come to the front door and wait for me."

"But.." you hear the line go dead as she hangs up.

You sighed getting out of the car and walking to the front door again. After what feels like an eternity the door opens. The redhead looks pissed as she steps aside asking you to come in.

"Follow me." She says as you follow behind her into the elevator.

Once again the doors to the 12th floor open and you follow Mina into the hallway. The girl at the desk looks pretty shaken up as do the security guards that are standing beside her desk.

Mina stands to the side as she points to you. "This is y/n y/l/n she is my partner. She is allowed in this building whenever she sees fit. She is also allowed to visit me whenever she desires to without an appointment."

Mina looks over at the guards before she continues "If you ever touch her again you will be fired immediately am I understood?"

The guards nod their heads vigorously "Yes Ms. Venable."

"And you..." she says looking at the girl behind the desk.

"If you ever embarrass her or me like that again I will make your life hell. Add her to the damn list!"

"Y..yes Ms. Venable." The girl whispers.

"Good now get out of my sight." She says as the men run off.

She walks into her office leaving you behind in shock. Finally, you follow her shutting the door behind you.

"I'm...I'm sorry I caused all of this trouble at your job." You whispered.

"You didn't do anything. They're stupid. I work with idiots. Sofia knows to call me if someone is insisting to see me. She was being rude."

You nod your head as you fidget with your fingers. Mina sighs as she walks over to you.

"I'm sorry they did that to you and I'm sorry I didn't add your name to my list. I swear it slipped my mind."

"It's okay."

"I'm also sorry you had to see me like that but they made me so angry."

"It's okay, it was kinda hot to see you like that." You chuckled as your cheeks flushed.

Mina smirks as she wraps her arms around your waist. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. You were so protective over me. I like it."

She chuckles as she kisses your lips. "No one is allowed to treat you like that. Not under my watch."

"Yes well, I think they got that memo loud and clear." You chuckled.

"For their sake, I hope so," Mina says with a smile.

Billie, Delia, and Mina One Shots Where stories live. Discover now