Welcome to my world

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You know normally this isn't you. You're not the type of girl that goes out on Friday nights and gets wasted. But... After a long and stressful day here you are..drunk off your ass waiting for your girlfriends to pick you up. This wasn't your intention...no you were only going to have a couple of drinks with some friends. But somehow a couple of drinks turned into a couple more..which then turned into shots.

And now shots, shots, and more shots. Now you sit on the barstool dangling your feet as you wait for your girls to come to get you. They've never really seen you drunk before so you wondered how this will go. Unfortunately, you didn't have long to think about it because here they come one right behind the other looking around the bar for you.

You smiled waving over to them shouting "Hi!!!" 

Billie smiles as she walks over to you. "Hello, princess. I see you've been enjoying yourself."

You giggled "Only a little bit."

"Oh yeah?"

You nodded smiling up at her as you look over her shoulder spotting Cordelia watching you with a small grin.

"Hi, Delia."

"Hi, baby. You have a good time?"

"Mmmhm. But I'm ready to go now."

"Okay, love. Let me pay the bartender and Billie will you go tell her friends she's leaving?"

Billie nods as she walks off. Cordelia looks back at Mina.
"Mina stay with her please?"

"If you insist." the redhead sighs.

You frowned at her tone as Cordelia walks off.

"Mina?" you called out to her. She looks over at you raising her eyebrows.

"Come here please," you asked curling your finger at her.

The woman sighs as she walks closer to you.


"Are you mad at me?" you asked frowning.


"Why???" you whined.

"Because y/n you're completely wasted. You put yourself in danger. Thank God your friends had some sense to call us."

"I was just trying to have some fun." you pout.

"Well did you get your fill?"


"No?" she asked.

"Nope," you said popping the p.

"And Why is that?"

You smiled as you wrapped your legs around her waist pulling her closer to you.

She gasped holding on to your shoulders to steady herself.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm sorry Mina. I know I've been a bad girl. I guess you're just going to have to punish me." you said trying to sound innocent.

"Oh really? Is that what you want little one?"

You nodded leaning forward to whisper into her ear.
"It's all I've been thinking about. I'm so wet Mina. You want to feel?"  you asked her grabbing her hand and guiding it underneath your dress to your heated core.

The redhead moans as her fingertips glide through your soaked folds.

"Mmm. No underwear. That's another reason to punish you."

"I wanted you to have easy access." you giggled causing her to groan.

"What's going on over here?" Billie asked.

You smiled looking over at her and Cordelia.

"Just showing Mina how ready I am for y'all," you said winking at Cordelia.

"Ahh..so you're a horny drunk. I like it, princess." Billie says with a smirk making your smile grow.

"Yes well unfortunately y/n is too drunk for any fun tonight. Maybe once you've sobered up." Cordelia says making you pout instantly.

"Oh come on Delia. Don't you just want to take me home and fuck me??" you whined.

Cordelia chuckles as she walks towards you. "Any other time yes I would love to but as of right now we're taking you home and putting you to bed."

"Billie?" you pout looking over at the blonde.

"Oh babydoll you know I love you but Cordelia is right. "

"Ughh." you groaned rolling your eyes.

"Don't worry little one I will be sure to punish you tomorrow. I can't guarantee you'll enjoy it though." Mina says with a sly grin as she walks off with Cordelia following behind her. 

"Great so I get no sex and now I'm in trouble," you whined.

Billie chuckles as she helps you up.
"Welcome to my world sweetheart."

Billie, Delia, and Mina One Shots Where stories live. Discover now