I'll never let you fall

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* Hi guys! I'm sorry it's been so long. I've been really sick. In and out of the hospital and recently had to get a biopsy done and waiting on the results. So I will try to get up some more stories soon. Hope you enjoy this one.*

Mina walks into the cozy house releasing a quiet sigh of relief that the day is done and over. She shrugs off her jacket and drops her Keyes and purse on the table before walking into the living room.

There she finds Billie reading quietly on the couch.

"Hello, darling," Mina calls out to her.

"Hello. How was your day?"

"Ugh." the redhead grunts as she takes a seat next to Billie.

"I'm sorry doll. At least you're home now." The blonde says softly caressing Mina's arm.

The redhead hums in agreement leaning into her touch.

"Cordelia is going to be late," Billie tells her.

"Is she still trying to find a cure for y/n?"

She's wasting time. We need to spend whatever we have left with her." 

"Don't talk like that! She's not going to die, Billie."

"You don't know that Mina! She's sick and while Cordelia's efforts to cure her are honorable she's isolating herself from y/n."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore!" Mina says in an annoyed tone as she pulls away from Billie.

Out of the three of them, Mina was still very much in denial about everything.

"Where is she anyway?" she asked looking around the house.

"She's in the office building the new Lego set I brought her."

"I don't understand why she's obsessed with a toy for children and why you indulge her," Mina said rolling her eyes.

"It makes her happy and I won't deny her any joy." The blonde says.

"I suppose you're right." Mina sighs.

Mina gets up and walks towards the back of the house to the small office down the hall. It's typically shared by all four of you but since you've been sick you've been using it primarily to build the Lego sets Billie buys you.

The redhead stops at the doorframe as she watches you silently. It's only been a couple of months since your diagnosis but your body is already taking a toll. Your skin was lighter almost white compared to its original color. Your body is frail and small and dark circles formed underneath your eyes. For once the redhead actually stopped at looked at you and this caused tears to prick Mina's eyes.

You noticed her watching you in the corner and decided once you were done to look up. You flash a bright smile her way.

"Hi, Mina."

"Hello, my love." She says with a small smile.

"I finished it you want to see?" You asked.

The redhead nods as she walks towards you. She settles behind the chair you're sitting in as she looks down at your project.

"It's beautiful what is it?"

"It's a miniature version of the castle at Disney World. Billie got it for me because she knows how much I love Disney." You said with a smile.

"What will your next project be?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure."

"I'm sure you will think of something," she says kissing the top of your head.

"Are you alright today Mina? You look sad."

"I'm fine love. Just fine. How about we go cuddle and look for your next project?" she suggested.


She nods.

"Okay!" You smiled getting up to stand next to her. Unfortunately, you got up too quickly causing a sudden but small state of dizziness for yourself.

"Careful my love," Mina says as she grabs onto you.

"Sorry. Head rush."

"It's quite alright dear I would have caught you."

"I know you'd never let me fall."

"Never," she says softly.

You both share a smile and a quiet moment together. You can tell Mina is sad and you're pretty sure you know why. All of your girlfriends have had the same look in their eyes since you've been diagnosed. However, Mina has been the only one to treat you the same as she did before and for that you were grateful.

You smile as you lean in to kiss her lips softly. "I love you, Mina."

"I love you too little one. Come on let's go cuddle."

Billie, Delia, and Mina One Shots Where stories live. Discover now