Will you dance with me?

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Mina has been in a foul mood all day. It started when she woke up this morning and realized she was out of her medications, then Jeff and Mutt pissed her off at work, the lady at the pharmacy also pissed her off, and then she fucked up on a big contract for another company.

She was really feeling it today. It was one shitty thing after another. By the time she made it home, she was ready to explode. Walking into the house she was greeted with loud music and the smell of dinner cooking.

Walking around the corner she sees Cordelia at the stove laughing at you and Billie dancing along to the music. Billie spins you around in her arms and that's when you see her.

"Mina!" you smiled running towards the redhead the way a puppy would to its owner.

"Welcome home," you said grinning up at her.

"Why is the music so damn loud?" she asked with anger and annoyance laced in her voice.

"Oh," you said quickly running to the stereo to turn down the volume.

"Sorry, Mina we were having a little dance party while Delia cooks," Billie explains.

"I noticed," Mina grumbles her hand tightening around her cane.

You smiled sweetly at her "Would you like to dance with me, Wilhemina Venable?" you asked holding your hand out.

Before she could stop it all of today's anger and frustration came boiling up and over and you were the perfect target.

"Are you fucking stupid?" she asked.

You looked at her with wide eyes "What?"

"Do I look like I can dance with you? Hmm? I mean you've known me for months now and I'm fairly certain my scoliosis hasn't magically held itself overnight. So I'll ask again are fucking stupid?"

You lowered your gaze as tears appear in your eyes feeling extra small as the redhead towers above you. While Cordelia stands still in shock Billie is already making her way in front of you standing toe to toe with Mina.

"Do not talk to her like that! What the fuck is your problem?" Billie shouts.

"I have no problem I just don't understand how someone can ask such a stupid question."

"Fuck you, Mina! We were having a good time till you came in here and started shit. She was being nice not that you deserve it."

"It's fine Billie," you said still standing behind her.

"The hell it is," Bille growls.

"No, she's right. I should have known better. I shouldn't have asked. Excuse me." you said running to the bedroom.

Billie shakes her head as she looks at Mina. "I don't know what the hell your problem is but you better fix it. And when you do you can apologize to y/n," she says as she goes after you.

Mina sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose. Looking up she sees Cordelia staring at her.

"You know Mina I've heard stories about how cruel you could be. Of course, I never believed them because I thought I knew you. But that was the cruelest thing I've ever witnessed you do. I know it's hard for you to open up to people. And it's been an adjustment adding y/n in but I thought it was working.  But clearly, I was wrong." she says as she cuts off the stove and walks past Mina to join you and Billie.
The redhead sighs as she's left alone in silence.


Billie, Delia, and Mina One Shots Where stories live. Discover now