Gaurd Obi x Reader

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Your a noble woman who's been ostracized from her faimly

You beg him to take you away but he tells you that you'v never led a life outside your noble home and it would prove dangerous and you'd only want to go back he wants what's best for you or what ever

But then he stumbles across you weeping because you'v been whipped or something seeing they've taken it a step too far he's decided what's best for you really is to get you out of that situation "please? Please can we go now?" She questions teary eyed "Let's go"

He has a few months worth of money saved up it'll last a few weeks til you can get to a far off town and stay under the radar because now your a run away and he's been accused of kidnapping you

Once you'v found a nice place to stay with a kind beaker and her daughter your both living in the attic paying rent and he's tending to your injuries for a little

You both have to live in the same attic space you can't be picky but he's chivalrous and tells you he'll sleep on the floor your hesitant and put up a small fight but end up agreeing but Obi wakes up to find you on the floor as well and he smiles you'd been too guilty to sleep

Your so scarred of people seeing your scars because you know if they do they will know you did something wrong and in the courts having a scare is a very bad thing because it means you'v misbehaved and had to been punished it's like a warning so your very carful to cover it and Obi understands why because it's a nobles shame

Your new to life outside so everything is either bright and shiny or scary and new your very reliant on Obi and he's started taking on dad jobs he doesn't tell you what but some times he comes back hurt and it makes you extremely upset

But your confused about why Obi is still helping you it's not like he's being paid to keep you safe and help you get a home and warm food this is where the confession takes place

But you start working for the baker to help cover some of the rent at first yiur so scarred to make a mistake but even when you do she only smiles and tells you it's okay she's like the loving mother you never had

And Obi and you both love her little girl the entire town adores you

Eventually your found out and you come home to find Obi restrained by two guards his eyes widen seeing you he hisses to the baker for her to get you out of there and hide you no matter the struggle you put up she's teary eyed as she apologizes to you hiding you in a pantry Obi thanks the baker before he's hauled off but you go after him despite this and before he can even be tried you present your case to his jury telling them that you ran away and he'd only helped you because that was his job was to keep you safe and leaving you in that home would not be keeping you safe

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