Ryang-ha x Reader One Shots

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Your chateau's sister and she's off on a job as your handling a job locally it turned out to be a trap and you were ambushed by your client and a few others you fought and won but not without being delt some blows your self your sister is away and the office is closed you don't know where your co-workers live and you don't have there phone numbers the only contact you have besides your sister and mother is an unknown number that you'v memorized after getting countless calls from you dile the number "well this is a surprise!" Ryang-ha Cheers immediately picking up your call as you'v Feebly held onto a street light for stability in the rain your voice is bearly aubale and pained as you draw in sharp breaths just listening to your breathing pattern and you calling him out of the blue Ryang-ha becomes serious knowing that somthing is wrong "the street light... on... 47th cherry street..." you manage to get out before your inconsistent vision completely goes black and you collapse dropping your phone while Ryang-ha's still on the other end he waits to see if you have anything els to say "(u)? (U)!" Ryang-ha Calls but you don't respond so he stays silent listening to the other end of the phone he hears a buzzing sound probably the street lamp you were talking about rain as well so your not far cars whizzing by so your next to a road rather than in a parking lot and your uneven concerning breaths every now and then you stop breathing but then gasp your unconscious but no one is with you as Ryang-ha races to find you on 47 cheery street under a street light quite the vague message he doesn't turn his phone off and keeps it on speaker phone as he's nearing the location he's tracked on your phone he hears movement "(u)? (u) are you there? Talk to me (u)" Ryang-ha says hastily and hears you groan "I-" you let out a small Yelp of pain "I hear you" you say sitting up "don't move what's happened? Are you hurt? I'm tracking your phone I'm almost to you" Ryang-ha tells you "I got ambushed... my job... it was a trap" you say gasping in between words "don't talk (u) I'm only a few minutes away hold tight" Ryang-ha says and you smile weakly "I... gna passz ou-" the other line goes static and when Ryang-ha gets to you you'v dropped the phone into a puddle of water as you'v sat out cold with your back aginst the pole head dropping as your sopping wet face flushed with fever and covered in blood while trying to put pressure on the wound in your side Ryang-ha reclines the passenger seat of his car as far back as he can then grabs some tissues napkins and duck tape gently removing your hand from your side but your face even tho your still unconscious scrunches in pain as he carefully lies you on your back lifting your shirt up to see the bullet hole going threw her side it doesn't look bad it missed anything vital from what Ryang-ha can see but it's still gotta be painful Ryang-ha processes to wipe the blood from the area then quickly stop the bleeding with tissues before putting duck tape over top of that to make sure you won't lose any more blood then gently picks you up bridle style gingerly placing you in the passenger seat and you grimace letting out a silent breathless gasp as he does so but you don't wake and Ryang-ha buckles the seat belt closing the car door before taking the wheel starting to drive to a motel all the while checking to make sure your still breathing every few minutes almost half way to the nearest motel you eyes scrunch then open you dazed for a moment before realizing your in a car then as you try sitting up the memories come back to you and you reel back in pain "fuck" you hiss holding your side "you called me of all people" Ryang-ha says not taking his eyes off the road "why?" He asks "I didn't know where els to go..." you say wincing as you lift your shirt to see Ryang-ha's handy work "seriously? Duck tape?" You question "you didn't tell me much i would have came more prepared if you'd told me you were bleeding out" Ryang-ha says and then your eyes widen "where are you taking me? I can't go to a hospital" you say frantically sitting up hastily and you gasp sharply biting your tongue "did I say anything about a hospital? Don't move any more the bullet is still logged in your side if you keep squirming it'll travel and become difficult to remove" Ryang-ha tells you as your slowly lowering your self back into your seat but as you are a car pulls out infront of you with out warning making Ryang-ha hit the brakes and slams the horn the only option besides crashing he keeps one hand on the wheel and extends the other in front of you so you arnt thrown forwards but instead your propelled harshly into your seat as the car comes to a complete stop causing you to let out a cry of pain as you scream and tears build in your eyes having the breath taken out of you "mother fucker" you shout clutching your side witch now has blood seeping from the edges of the slowly peeling tape and your cheats heaves with uneven breaths as you gasp for air "we're almost to the motel" Ryang-ha says starting to drive a bit faster making you sink further into your seat and you nod as you bite your lip putting pressure on your wound then the car comes to a stop and Ryang-ha gets out "stay here don't make a sound press the panic button if anyone comes near the car" he says leaving you with the keys and then he comes back for a minutes later opening your car door "alright (u) this isn't gonna be fun" Ryang-ha says handing you a small hand towel he most likely got from the from desk when he got a room "no shit" you hiss swiping the cloth from him biting it as you sit up and your eyes shut tightly as you bite down harder on the towel "alrighty... upsei daisy" Ryang-ha says and you gasp the cloth falling from your mouth and you have to bite your tongue to keep from screaming "i can't open the door while carrying you I'm gonna set you down it'll hurt more if I have to pick you back up agin so can you stand?" Ryang-ha asks "not on my own" you say inbwtween sharp inhales "lean on me then if you think your gonna fall say something" Ryang-ha says tenderly placing you on your feet and you let out a small Yelp before covering your mouth tho it's probably not too odd of a sound to hear at a motel it's better not to draw attention at all "your awful clingy" Ryang-ha smiles as you hold onto his arm for dear life while he's holding you up by your shoulders with one arm as he unlocks the door "shut... up" you say gridding your teeth "well that's just mean" he pouts and you glare grimacing as your knees buckle and Ryang-ha quickly keeps you upright helping you into the motel having you lie down on the couch before he goes back and closes and locks the door behind him "that bullet has to be removed (u)" Ryang-ha tells you as he's rummaging around trying to find anything useful and you whine "please no" you beg "there's no way around it (u) if it's not removed it'll become infected" Ryang-ha tells you from another room "do you even have any medical experience?" You ask applying pressure to your side "well not exactly but iv been shot as well once before if that counts" Ryang-ha says cheerily "it doesn't" you scowl "ah here's a medical kit!" You hear Ryang-ha happily exclaim from the bathroom before he walks back over to you "now take your shirt off" Ryang-ha says and you glare "your wearing a bra arnt you I don't see what the big deal is iv already seen your stomach it's nothing new" Ryang-ha says and you face flushes with embarrassment and anger "I can't take it off" you glare blushing profusely and Ryang-ha thinks for a second "it'll cause you more pain than necessary to have you sit up and let me assist you remove your shirt I think it'd be easier just to cut the front of your shirt that alright?" Ryang-ha asks as he's rummaging threw the medical kit "what ever just get me a pain killer or something" you groan "doesn't look like there's any" Ryang-ha says but then pulls out some tiny sowing scissors from the first aid kit and you try e earning your breathing as Ryang-ha's instructed as he cuts the front of your shirt open to reveal the bloody mess of tissues napkins and duck tape underneath with out any warning Ryang-ha rips the duck tape off while he covers your mouth with a towel muffling your screams of profanity directed towards him and just when he thinks your done he removes his hand from your mouth "son of a bitch" you hiss "such foul words that's very rude you know" Ryang-ha says smiling smugly and you grid your teeth glaring at him with watery eyes "we'll then warn me first!" You shout "but if I warned you then you would have tried to protest" Ryang-ha pouts and you sigh calming your self "tell me if it's deep" you say "it's not bad I can see the bullet" Ryang-ha tells you and you glare "How do I know your not just gonna let me bleed out?" "Do you really believe that I drove all the way to 47th street prevented you from bleeding out picked you up and drove you all the way to this motel just so that I could let you bleed out?" Ryang-ha asks with a scarily threatening shadowed expression and I divert my gaze "no..." I admit then close my eyes and take a deep breath "alright get it over with" you say bitting on another hand towel Ryang-ha snatched from the bathroom and the pain comes intensely but is short lived tho even once you feel the bullet is removed the intense stinging still remains "there do you feel any better?" Ryang-ha asks "not particularly" I grunt as he helps me to sit up and starts wrapping bandages around my stomach after removing my ruined shirt like a jacket "we'll try not to move I'm gonna see if I can get any pain killers from the front desk" Ryang-ha says then leaves you with the keys to his car agin so you can press the panic button if you need but when he gets back your passed out and dropped the keys on the floor "you must trust me if you'd let yourself fall sleep so easily" Ryang-ha says to him self time skip the next morning "rise and shine" Ryang-ha says opening the blinds and you groan "how do you feel? Your fever is gone" Ryang-ha says placing the back of his hand to your forehead "like I just got shot" you say jokingly as you sit up "but other than that not bad" you say and Ryang-ha smiles "so now that your feeling better mind telling me what exactly went down hmm?" Ryang-ha asks sitting on the floor infront of the couch "you already new about the job I was on right?" You question and Ryang-ha nods cheekily "turns out my client had something aginst me and the job was a set up I got ambushed by him and some friends of his I ended up shouting them all down there were only four but I still ended up getting shot as well" "you'v gotten hurt before?" Ryang-ha asks "once or twice never a gun shot tho" you respond "then I have a grate way to prevent you getting shot agin!" Ryang-ha grins "oh? We'll lemme hear it" you sigh with some amused laughter in your voice "let me accompany you on jobs" Ryang-ha says "alright fine" you say casually and Ryang-ha pouts "but (u) if you let me come with you then- wait.... You said yes?" Ryang-ha asks surprised and you stifle a laugh "well yeah I don't see the point in trying to deter you from helping me" you smile and Ryang-ha's actually stunned making you smile warmly "I'm sincerely thankful for your help Ryang-ha"

Ryang-ha is participating in a job ands just killed his target when he sees signs that his target isn't the only one in the home carefully he wonders room from room until he enters the only room he hasn't searched he looks around and the first thing to catch his eye is a closet the most conspicuous place to hide but when he swings the closet door open pointing his gun inside he's surprised to see a young woman who's hands are duck tapes together behind her back while another pice of tape in over her mouth she's covered in bruises and some small lacerations and she's unconscious Ryang-ha decides your no threat and puts his gun away and looks threw your person tho he doesn't find anything that would tell him who you are just signs of abuse "well... i can't very well do proceed til I know who she is and her connection to this job" Ryang-ha sighs running his hand threw his hair "what a mess" he says and picks you up taking you to a motel once your there your woken up from the pain of having duck tape ripped off your lips but you don't have much of a reaction by this time your used to it but your surprised to see a new face "who..." you question trying to back up with your feet but your surprised to find that your sitting on a coffee table and end up falling off of it and onto the floor "ouch" you sigh feeling the bruises building up on your pre existing bruises and try rolling over so you can punch your self back up but your stuck lying on the floor "well that wasn't too graceful" you hear a man's voice joke and your surprised "who are you? And where am I?" You ask scowling as the guy just looks at you not even lifting a finger to help "You aren't in any position to be asking questions" the guy laughs and you glare rolling over onto your back wrapping a leg around the coffee table leg to sit up the guy just continues to smile at you you look him up and down the look around a motel room you decide he's not too much older than me how did I get here tho? My target would never hand me over unless he intended to pay someone to try torturing me to get the name of my client could that be why? But then why relocate me to a different location? You continue to work out the situation ignoring the man saying something to you so if he's not someone hired by my target then he was hired by my client unless he was an under cover cop but that also can't be true he's in no way professional enough to be a cop and he looks like he's more likely from my kinda business "your trying to figure the situation out hmm? Have you worked it out yet?" The man asks still smiling and I smile smugly with a snicker "I know more than you do don't I?" You smirk but his smile doesn't waver "no i don't believe so" he says "actually i know more than you think I do miss. (last name)"

Your also a hit man and we're hired to kill that target but got caught you refused to tell him who hired him and so he thought he could beat it out of you but that didn't work

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