Il Dottore x reader (Removing his mask)

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Includes : Fluff
Laying on the couch with your lover, you could tell that Dottore was trying hard to hold in any reaction to you burying your face into his neck. He didn't want to make a deal out of it and ruin the mood, but at the same time, he didn't know what to do in this situation.

If anything, you started to feel his heart beating slowly, as if he was nervous about how you were going to react. And your face still being close to his neck also meant that he was able to feel your breath on his skin, which only made him even more flustered.

When you had your face buried into his neck like that, inevitably, you were inhaling his scent. And let's be real, a guy who messes around with surgery tools made of iron, and chemicals all day, is not going to smell very good. It was tolerable—the smell of iron and chemicals, but there was a distinct smell of blood, from him. As always.

However, this mixture of strange scents was a smell you associated with Dottore, so it didn't matter too much. Maybe sometimes you would pester him to put on some perfume or something before he was allowed to give you a hug on the days he actually came home instead of falling asleep in the lab, leaving him annoyed and rolling his eyes, yet complying with you anyways. But other than that, all was well.

You eventually lifted your head off his neck, and looking at his masked face. Something compelled you to move your arm, and there was an urge to remove that mask off his face.

You know what he looks like, from the segments of his, you know his eyes are red. However, you haven't seen your Dottore's face. Sure, it wouldn't be any different from his segments' ones, but still...

You gingerly moved your hand towards his mask, and Dottore did nothing to stop you.

He remained silent, and he watched as your finger gently traced the bottom sharp edge of his mask, slowly.

Your touch was soft, and delicate, taking your sweet time to wait to remove it off his face. Dottore was tense, waiting with anticipation as he watched you trace the edge of his mask.

His heart rate increased, as you continued to take your time, and it took all his willpower to not tell you to just rip it off his face.

"...just do it.."

His voice was quiet, and tense.

You complied, and deliberately slowly, took it off his face.

Dottore was almost at a complete loss for words as you slowly took off his mask, his real face revealed for the first time in this relationship. His heart dropped once his eyes were exposed just for you to see.

It was clear that not having the mask on made him nervous, especially with how close you were to him right now, since he couldn't hide his expressions anymore.

His eyes were crimson red, with dark red pupils that had an almost demonic glow to them, yet they looked at you with such fondness. His lashes were a frosty blue, as if snow landed on them.

He was still holding you tightly, his arms wrapped firmly around your body. He didn't want you to leave just yet.

You were practically scanning his face, trying to remember every single detail about his face, before he would undoubtedly put the mask back on.

But you'd like him to keep his mask off for longer. Maybe it was because you enjoyed being able to see his full face, or maybe it was because you liked the way he looks almost...nervous as you studied his face so carefully.

Dottore's mind was in chaos, one part of him said to let go of you, get up, put his mask back on, and get back to work. While the other part said to stay, and hold you. He was still dazed by the fact that you actually removed his mask, almost like he was sharing a very dark secret of his with you.

Enjoy this moment as long as you can, he's already reaching for his mask from you.
703 words
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