Albedo x reader - argument (Reader storms out after an argument)

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Includes: Angst, fluff, argument,

Albedo, Chief Alchemist.

A man of science, precision, and depths of knowledge.

Mention his name around the Knights of Favonius, they would tell you many things.

Some good, some not so good. I mean, most of them don't even know him that well, they just know him as that alchemist who is mostly in Dragonspine.

They'd call him emotionless...,cold...,genius...,curious..,skilled...

the list goes on.

Albedo doesn't show much emotion, well..can you blame him? He's made of chalk, he can't really feel anything...

Well...i guess he'll learn to.

"I don't know what the big deal is, Y/N. You are being..dramatic."

His harsh words replayed in your mind, his cold voice remaining unbothered as ever. That image of him just pouring some liquid into another beaker, gas emerging from the beaker, his stoic face, was burned into your brain.

You heard the sound of snow crunching underneath your boots, the cold wind blowing ruthlessly, as you left Albedo to work on his stupid failed experiment, alone.

How dare he say you were being 'dramatic'??

If he didn't end up spawning a giant regisvine in front of you—that almost killed you, maybe you wouldn't be urging him to be more careful? Maybe he only said that because he was upset his hard work was wasted as his experiment had failed...but what the hell Albedo?

And the fact that he didn't even seem to care you almost died, it made you question if he actually loved you at all. Would he rather have just let you die?

As Albedo watched you from the corner of his eye, he shook his head, trying to shake off newly-sprouted thoughts in his head that made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy. He didn't like that, he didn't like the way his synthetic heart just...felt like it dropped to the ground, he didn't like the way it felt so heavy, tugging on his chest. It felt strange, he's never felt like this before.

Maybe he would have to carry out an experiment on these..strange effects.., he thought, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling of loneliness creep up to him. He's gotten so used to your company when he experimented, nothing felt right without you anymore.

You didn't speak to Albedo for days, not even meet up with him. At first, he just tried to ignore it, trying to fool himself into thinking he did not know what was wrong, but he felt...guilty?

Regret? Sorry?

He doesn't know.

But it was getting harder to ignore the fact that the love of his life, was absent in his life. It was hard to ignore Klee's disappointed expression when she went to Albedo, in his lab, to ask where you were.

*"Mr Albedo~! Where is Y/N? Are they here yet? I want to play with them...i miss them.."*

Albedo would feel a stab through his heart, when he heard that from Klee, and he would look at her, temporarily stopping his recording of results of his experiment, and telling her quietly.

"...they're not here, Klee. I'm sorry."

Klee would look disappointed, and her hand, holding onto a confetti bomb she made for you, would go a little limp, as her small hand gripped onto the bomb tightly.

"Awh...Mr Albedo...why isn't Y/N coming back yet?? I haven't seen them in soooo long.."

Albedo would just sigh, and try to cheer Klee up. He's quite sure he knows that the reason why you aren't showing up is because of him, but he doesn't really know how to make things go back to normal.

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