Xiao x Lost memories!Reader

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Includes : Angst, losing of memories(reader), hurt, injured(reader).
'Regrets of Yesterday'

You grinned to yourself, looking at the golden goblet before you. It stood on a pedestal, and a dim light shone on it, contrasting with the huge dark chamber you were in. You fought all those monsters, for this. This.

'You're mine now...finally..' You whispered to yourself, as you walked towards it. You could finally know the answers you desperately wanted to know. This was The Goblet Of Wisdom, hidden deep underground in Liyue, with many, many puzzles and dangers, that you had so miraculously survived.

You reached your arms out, to grab it, and just then, you don't know what happened, it was all so fast. You heard the flying of an arrow, and a sharp pain and pressure on your back, as you fell forwards, onto your knees, and then,  something..hit your head, and your vision went blurry.

Huh? What..huh..?

Your head was spinning, the dark and empty chamber you were in was spinning. Your body felt weightless, as you watched the pool of blood you were sitting in, grow, as another object seemed to press on your back, and you watched the goblet ahead of you, so close...yet so far.



It hurt.


You were too confused to even think, what was happening?

Why can't i move? What is going on? You thought, gripping your sword tighter.

Your vision went black, your back stung, and you looked down at your chest, which had two crimson red, arrowheads sticking out of it. Your head felt light, and you just fell sideways, managing to use your last breath to say one word.

'X-xiao..!' You mumbled, your lover's name. You knew you should have told him where you were going, and you deeply regretted hiding it from him. You didn't think it would end..like this.

You closed your eyes, so very confused, as a strong breeze suddenly blew your hair, and you were already unconscious.





'Y/N..! Y/N??' You heard a muffled voice..it was familiar, but you didn't know who it was.

You opened your eyes, your vision was blurry.

You saw...a green haired man, sitting on a chair beside you. He looked very attractive, and he had beautiful golden eyes. He was looking at..you..?

You coughed, as you tried to speak.

'....Uhm...where..am i..? Who-' You spoke, your voice hoarse and breathless.

'Y/N! You're awake?' The green haired man's eyes widened, looking at you. He seemed, relieved..?

'I..who's..Y/N..? Who...-Who are..you..?'

The green haired man's face fell, and he looked so shocked.

'Y/N..? You're kidding..right!? Please don't fuck with me like this!' He said, his voice sounding desperate, and he looked at you, his eyes..looked so painful, and it hurt you, but you didn't know why.

'I-I'm not..who are you..? Who's Y/N..?' You asked again, your voice still hoarse, and you struggled to sit up on the bed, and you winced as your wounds hurt.

Xiao felt his heart slowly breaking, and his heart was sinking. He felt like you could definitely hear it pounding in his chest. It felt like it was going to explode. It hurt, so badly.

'I- Y/N...It's me..Xiao..' He said, his voice barely a whisper, as he spoke to you, his face dark and looking anxious. He grabbed your hand, and squeezed it tightly. Maybe you would snap out of it? Maybe it was just a bad dream..Maybe- maybe you were just pranking him. Yes, it had to be, you loved doing the mortal thing..called pranks, on him. You did it all the time. This was a..prank..wasn't it? He thought, his mind racing over every single thought that could help him cope with this right now. He desperately wanted to think you were just joking.

'I-i'm sorry, i don't know who you are.' You said, your voice weak and hoarse, as you finally managed to sit up in the bed.

'Where am i?' You continued, looking at the man named Xiao, who sat beside you.

'Wangshu Inn..Y/N..you're pranking me again..right..?' Xiao said, his voice a little pleading, he hadn't felt this way for a mortal before, he wondered what was wrong with him, but he couldn't understand it. All he knew was,

He wanted you to remember him. He wanted you to tell him it was just a prank. He wanted you to tell him that you still remembered and loved him.

You shook your head.

Who is this guy?

'I'm not, Sir Xiao.' You said, your voice still hoarse, and you groaned in pain as your wounds hurt you.

Xiao could feel his heart just..shatter, into a million pieces as you said that. His mouth opened a little, he wanted to say something...anything..but he couldn't, the painful lump in his throat stopped him. He swallowed, hard, and squeezed your hand tighter.

'Y/N...Y/N.. please tell me you're joking...i- you're pranking me...this is too far..please stop..' He basically begged you, as he held your hand. His hand was soft, and it felt really warm.

Your heart pounded in your chest, and it fluttered. It hurt to see him like this, even though you didn't know why, and you didn't even know him. You felt your body become really hot at his touch, but you didn't know why. He gave you a very..comforting feeling.

'Sir..i can assure you it's not a prank..i don't know you, truly, i don't..' You said, sounding conflicted. Your face was serious, as you felt the pain in your chest, not from your wounds, but in your heart, it hurt you to see this man like this.

Then it finally dawned on him, that you weren't pranking him. You really didn't know him. Xiao wanted to punch himself for not protecting you well enough. If only he reached there a little faster, he could have protected you. He caused all this, it was all his fault, he thought.

It's all my fault.

I did this to them.

Xiao thought, as he felt tears well up in his eyes, but he blinked them away.

'I-I see...Y/N..I-.' He said, unable to smile at you. At this point, you had already guessed, that your name was Y/N.

He continued to hold your hand, and looked at your face. You were so precious to him. You were the only mortal, only person he would ever care for. And now,

he lost you too.

1109 words.

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Also, should i make a **part 2** with a happy ending?

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