Roots - Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


The next several days were some of the busiest and the longest days of my life, at least that’s what it seemed anyways.  You would think that shopping for a graduation dress was hard for me with all the life changes going through my mind, but nothing compared to the craziness of shopping to go to a foreign country, and to perhaps meet other Royalty.  This meant I had to look my best, and to actually put effort into the shopping trip, which lately I just couldn’t get motivated. However to make matters worse Nunna had surprised me during my weekly Thursday visit with last minute lessons, lessons that I would have to use the rest of my new life.

“No Lisa, you must bow lower.  You are a duchess for goodness sake. Tilt your head down; allow your long neck to extend…much better.” Nunna instructed from her wheelchair as I bowed for her.  I had probably been practicing for almost an hour by the time I first heard her say the words “much better”.  Now I really felt sorry for Anne Hathaway in the movie ‘Princess Diaries’, having to learn how to act like a princess just for that movie.

“Nunna, I don’t see why this is necessary since I’m only going for a week, besides; I thought you didn’t want me to tell people any more people?  Why do I need to know all of this?”  I said as I tried my bow again, trying to be more natural and graceful.

“Annalisa, William has informed me that he will be introducing you to a few of the Royals that already know about you. Besides, all young ladies should know how to bow and do other proper tasks.  I’m not telling you to do anything that I haven’t done myself.” She said with a soft smile.  Her eyes weren’t lighting up as much as they were over a month ago, and I could tell that life was taking its toll on her.  She was fading, but the question was how much longer was God going to give her?  Now that I was getting to know her, I wasn’t prepared to lose her, I couldn’t.

“Besides, I want to prepare you for anything that you may encounter once and if the news about you ever gets out in public.  You’d be expected to know how to act royal, and that my dear is another challenge on its own.” She said as she turned away from me and looked out the window, probably remembering her first time being introduced into society.

“Ugh, fine.  But everyone has promised that they wouldn’t tell Nunna.” I said again for the tenth time to her.

“I know dear.  But we must always be prepared.  Please be on your guard once you are in Russia.  Make sure you stay with William, and have your friends stay with you.  You will become a target for those who still hate our family, who learns your true identity.” Nunna said with intense eyes.  Could people really still want Nunna and me dead?  It was over ninety years ago.  The world was a different place now.  Besides, my friends accepted me, and even Mr. Poloski.  Wouldn’t it just be the same?  I wondered to myself.

I was still wondering the same thing throughout the entire weekend while shopping with Mandy.  What if more people really did find out the truth, would it be so bad?  I know I couldn’t rule Russia, and I didn’t even want to, but what would happen if people discover that the heir to the Russian throne still lived?  I had meant to ask Mr. Poloski about the difference between Parliament and the Royal family ruling over England and the United Kingdom on Friday after class, but I had been rushed out of the class by Eric.  I had asked Mandy her opinion while we were at the mall getting last minute clothes for the trip.

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