Roots - Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen


I awoke with the sounds of beeping and of whispers which seemed to be coming from around the room.  How long had I been out? Am I still dreaming? I wondered.  My eyes still felt too heavy to open yet, but as my ears strained to figure out where I was or what the noises were coming from, I quickly realized that I must’ve still been dreaming.  There was no way I was hearing the words from other people saying, “Is her Grace alright? What shall I say to the Court? We need to discuss what to do about the press, what do you think? Who else knows? Just because all the tests proved that she’s the Russian heir, doesn’t mean she can rule.  I think she will make a great ruler, it’s in her blood, just look how she has been the last few hours, even in her sleep she can still command the authority of attention, ha just like her great grandmother if I do remember correctly…”  It was at that last statement that I knew I must wake up, someone in the room had been around to know my great grandmamma, and I had to find out whom.  However, as soon as I made the slightest movement and began to open my eyes, I realized that it was just me in a very clean and very nice room.  Had I been dreaming this entire thing up?  Had I really had all those tests ran on me as if I were a lab rat?  Had people actually believed that I was their long lost Grand Duchess Anastasia’s great granddaughter? My head was swarming with questions and confusion. I had dreamt so many strange dreams, dreams that almost felt like reality; however everything paused when I felt my hand being held down by something.  My eyes drifted down to my hand and to the hand that clasped, that belonged to a very tired looking Prince, who was passed out in a chair beside the bed I was laying in.

I just watched him for a few moments, took in his features, and his personality while he slept.  My mother always told me that everyone reveals their true selves while they sleep, because they are the most vulnerable at that time. However, as soon as my eyes shifted back to his shirt I let out a giggle as I saw a stream of drool from his lips that had already landed on his shirt once or twice.  Yeah, he’s vulnerable right now alright, good thing I’m not into blackmailing. I thought sarcastically as I smiled, and watched him finally become aware of my moments, and woke up.

“Oh, hey Lisa, you’re finally awake. Oh phew.  How are you feeling?”  Ros asked as he let go of my hand to stretch from his uncomfortable seated position.

“Better.  I think all that blood loss, really got to me.  What all happened?  I mean why you here, not that I don’t mind, but I thought you left? And where is everyone?  How long have I been out? I heard voices earlier, but I thought I was just dreaming…” I started laying out all of my questions and concerns a hundred miles an hour, and finally stopped with Ros interrupted me with laughter.

“Whoooah slow down little road runner.  One question at a time.  However first I promised William I would go get him as soon as you woke up.  He’s been really worried about you, so hold on; can you hold your questions for a few minutes?” He said with another grin.

“Yeah, go get him I guess, and I’ll find something else to wear that isn’t this…” I said as I looked down at a huge t-shirt and huge sweat pants.  Who dressed me in this? I wondered, praying quickly that none of the guys saw me indecent. My eyes or my expression, or both, probably gave my thoughts away, as Ros quickly stood up and left to go get Mr. Poloski, but reassured me that some of the maids and several other women from the dinner last night had helped me change out of my dinner party clothes.

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