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The voice sounded familiar.
Slowly, they turned around seeing agent Kim Namjoon grinning widely at them as he folded his broad arms. Standing firm and tall in front of his men.
"Oh, you again!" Jimin laughed out, not the hint of nervousness in his face. More the opposite, he was relieved he didn't have to deal with some random, unknown agent but at least one he knew. Made it easier to work his charms. "How comes we meet each other here?"
"Me and agent Jung are after this guy, Morita, for quite some time, you know. Finally gathered enough evidence against him." His chin motioned to the direction of the entrance gate and their eyes followed. Indeed observing agent Jung Hoseok putting handcuffs onto Morita and Emilio, escorting them away from their car. "And why did he invite you guys over?"
Taehyung arched a brow. "How do you know we were invited?"
Namjoon only laughed. "We obviously had Morita under constant observation. We knew he was planning something. We were only surprised to see that Rossi guy here. But when we also saw you arriving - and you sneaking in -" he peeked at Yoongi, "- we began to understand."

He stepped forward then, pulling out his handcuffs from the back of his belt. Two other agents following his move. "Don't worry, Seokjin will have the honour of returning you to Seoul. I'll just keep an eye on you till he arrives."
"Ugh, don't tell me you snitched on us to pops," Jimin whined dramatically, only earning a dumbfounded look from the older agent.
"'Pops'?" he repeated amused, musing for a moment when eventually chuckling. Deep dimples appearing on his cheeks, giving him a childlike appearance for a moment that contrasted his sturdy physique. "That's new, but kinda suits him. But no, we didn't 'snitch on you', he was already on his way when we contacted him."
The three shared confused glances as they got handcuffed.
Had they been careless and got seen somewhere? Or had their interpol agents suddenly become even better in locating them than usual? 

They were led to the waiting interpol vehicles outside then. Seeing agent Jung approaching them with a wide grin on his heart-shaped lips when spotting their bonus captives.
"We deserve a pay rise for helping the robbery department once again, don't you think, Joon?"

As they climbed into the transporter, another car arrived at the scene. Three familiar faces stepping out of it, just as forwarned.
"Well, well, well, look who we have here!"
Seokjin was grinning from ear to ear when seeing them sitting nice and well inside the van. Only earning a cocky smirk from Jimin. "Always a pleasure to see you, pops. And Kook and Sky, too, of course."
"It's still agent Jeon and Blake for you," Jungkook mumbled annoyed under his breath. Giving him a serious glance.
However, Seokjin only laughed dryly, choosing to ignore the evident sarcasm in his opponent's words when a yawn crept past his lips. The late hour and unscheduled flight having taken a toll on his sleep. "Can't say the same," he said then, before facing his younger colleagues behind him. Gesturing for them to help the other agents and Jungkook and Skylar instantly nodded and walked away.
He turned back to his favourite criminals then, his grin having returned. "Be nice criminals and wait here, okay? We'll be right back." And with that he shut the doors with a loud thud and locked them.

"So, you know what exactly the three were doing here?" Hoseok asked when seeing Seokjin approaching him. Namjoon joining them shortly while their agents were taking care of all the arrestees.
However, all they got was a shrug from Seokjin as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Only what that girl told us, that they got an invitation from Rossi and this guy you were after, what was his name again?"
"Morita," Namjoon quickly added. The older agent nodding.
"Right, Morita. That's pretty much all the info she had - or at least wanted to share."
The agents of the organised crime and special victims department only nodded with musing expressions. "I think it's save to say.. " Hoseok began then with a lower tone, as if he didn't want anyone to eavesdrop, ".. that Morita was helping Rossi taking revenge for his son."
"Think so, too," Namjoon agreed, his glance falling to the transporter with the two elder men. "They set a mob of his men on them. If that doesn't scream revenge.."
Seokjin was pensive, eventually nodding. "Sounds logical. I guess we'll see after the interrogation."

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