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Yoongi let the wiskey swey lightly in his hand before he drank the last bit from the glass. His brown eyes glanced up then, wandering around the half-empty bar. It wasn't much of a surprise. It was Sunday after all, most people having to go to work early the next day.

He didn't feel tired, nor did he feel like leaving yet. The night seemed young still. And yet, without company it felt quite lonely and dragged out.
He wasn't mad at his friends for ditching him, Jimin going on a spontaneous trip with Arabella - although Yoongi assumed it wasn't just a vacation but the two rather had an object they were interested in stealing again - and Taehyung leaving earlier to pick up Cassandra from her late shift at the hospital.
Legit reasons, and besides Yoongi wasn't the type to be petty or upset about things like this. The two had other commitments and priorities than he did. And now that he was back in the city, they'd spend enough time together anyway.

Still, it felt rather uncomfortable to sit there on his own.

With a sigh, he heaved his hand to order a last drink when something caught his attention then. 

He hadn't noticed first as there were tons of people roaming around the streets still, it was a crowdy area with lots of bars and restaurants after all. So one person more or less passing by the open windows didn't stand out. Only when someone whistled after her and she turned around with a "Cut it, I'm not a dog!" earning a "Wohoo, I like it when they're hard to get" from the guy, Yoongi perked up out of curiosity. Catching a glimpse of the woman who swang around and continued walking down the street.

First, he hadn't noticed anything about her besides that she seemed to be quite attractive. However, as he sat there for a moment a deep frown slowly set on his features, his brain processing something familiar on her. He couldn't really pinpoint what exactly it was, but something about her he recognised.

It took him a few seconds. And then he knew.

The voice. And those eyes.

Obviously he couldn't be entirely certain, but she reminded him of the strange girl he had helped escaping a week ago.

To be honest, he hadn't thought much about her those past days. Everything was quite hectic and he was still getting adjusted to the city life again. However, as he was reminded of her now, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to that young woman. If she was alright or if those men who had been after her had caught her after all. He hoped not. Now beginning getting worried for the stranger.
Was the woman who had just walked by her? It made him wonder after all.

Contemplating, he nibbled his bottom lip when noticing one of the guys who had called for her, standing up. Laughing at his friend and muttering something incohensive before walking out. And Yoongi's eyes shot open, having a bad feeling in his guts.

He instantly pushed himself off the bar stool and quickly left a few bills on the counter. Heading outside towards the street and passing by the man with quick steps. Making his way left, where she had disappeared to.

It hadn't been too hard to find her among the other passerby. She was the only one with long hair and a short black dress, holding a bottle of soju along with her purse. Earning more than just a few stares. And since she wasn't the tallest either, despite her tall shoes, it hadn't been to hard for him to catch up.
She was only a few steps away, when he stopped in his tracks unsure of his next move. It might not have been her after all, making him look like a fool or worse.

Unsure, he licked over his lips, watching her getting further away. What if it was her though? Wouldn't it be nice to know that she made it?
He took a deep breath. "I see they didn't get you after all!"

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