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Interpol branch office
Seoul, South Korea


Jungkook's head almost slipped from his fist when he heard Skylar call out for him and he jumped up. Blinking rapidly when seeing the blonde standing in front of his desk with folded arms and a knowing look.
"What time did you get to sleep again?"
He stretched his arms in front of him, flexing his muscles when a yawn escaped his lips. "Not sure. Couldn't sleep so I just cooked and zapped."

Skylar sighed, shaking her head knowing too well how often that happened, having experienced it first-hand. And she bit her tongue to prevent herself giving him another one of her lectures. Although she was worried for this becoming a regular thing. She placed a task file in front of him then, changing the subject matter. "I need you to check these names. Run them down the data base."

He simply nodded and pivoted, getting to his PC when he saw a new notification popping up on the screen. 

A red notice: Location of persons wanted for arrest, prosecution or to serve a sentence.

They hadn't had one of those in quite some time.

Without wasting a second he read through the information and looked through the photos. is brown eyes going round. They were slightly pixelated due to them being zoomed and in lower resolution, but the system had caught onto something. Or rather someone. 

"Sky? Sky!" he quickly called out for her. His voice surprisingly holding excitement, "You should see this!"
Frowning, Skylar spun around and made her way back to her colleague when hearing his erratic tone. Curiosity filling her of what could've possibly caused it early in the morning. She went behind him and bent over his shoulder to take a look on the screen he was pointing at. Her eyes widening in shock as well.
"W-where's this from?"
His eyes quickly scimmed over the information. "Munich International Airport."
"Munich?" she repeated. "Germany?"
He nodded.
"What are they doing there?"
"No clue. Why would they risk getting caught if they retired?" Jungkook also wondered out loud. The two exchanging a puzzled glance.
"It's indeed unlogical."

The guy leaned back, his forehead ceasing as he glanced up at his supervisor. "Remember last time they intentionally showed their real faces at an airport?"
Skylar paused, trying recalling which incident he meant. Her lips forming a small 'o' when remembering. "It was back then in Casablanca, right?" Back then when some mysterious organisation had been after them so they had lured interpol there to take care of it for them. "You think they're in trouble again and that's why.."
He shrugged. "They might."

Skylar exhaled deeply, taking her phone out of her backpocket. "Either way, we gotta inform agent Kim." She began dialing while walking to the direction of her desk. Glancing over her shoulder then. "And find out where they were heading to!"


Florence, Italy

"All you've got to do is go up there and admit that your family member was the thief and that I, Felipe Rossi, was the one finding you and the stolen necklace. That's it." The man stopped pacing around the narrow room, coming to an halt to look at her with an almost excited smile. "Easy, isn't it?"

Soyeon's brows furrowed, not quite buying it. Feeling the rope digging deeper into her wrists. "That's it? And then I can leave?"
"Hm, not sure police would allow that," he smirked, making her instantly frown. Her eyes filling with panic.
"But I wasn't the one stealing it. And I gave it back."
The man hummed, seemingly deep in thoughts. "Yeah, but see.. someone has to pay for all these decades of loss and humiliation. And I could always easily frame you for another theft. Clearly my friends at the police wouldn't even question my word. Especially since you come from a family of thieves. And the fact you're here without any papers.." he shook his head. "Police won't like that either."
Her blood began to boil while listening to his monologue. She didn't know where that newfound  courage came from and it was most likely useless considering the circumstances, but she just couldn't help but retort something. "That's only because I got kidnapped!"
He shrugged, unimpressed. "Yeah, but will they believe that?"

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