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The sky was pitch black when Soyeon left work that evening. Now that she had returned, she'd been immediately assigned to two bigger projects and the meetings had felt endless. She dragged a sigh, looking up at the starless sky while walking to the metro.

Same old, same old.

As if nothing had ever happened, as if nothing had ever changed. Going to work every day and writing on songs for artists, hoping they'd perform well on charts. Everything was the same. Everything but Soyeon.

All of a sudden, everything seemed so absurd to her, so comically pointless and silly. Yeah, she still enjoyed working on songs but what was even the point in it if there were deadlines chasing them and she had to work on uplifting songs when internally not feeling happy at all. The only good thing was that she was able to pour everything into writing, helping her coping with that numbing feeling of emptiness knowing she wouldn't see him again.

Summertime was supposed to be exciting but all she felt was anxiety and sadness. Anxiety as her gut feeling kept telling her it wasn't simply over yet and sadness about having parted ways with Yoongi, most likely forever. The blue feeling about that unwilling to fade that easily.

At least he had been right about one thing: Interpol had indeed come knocking on her door the following day, asking her if she'd known about their escape or heard of him. And she'd put on her best fake-surprised expression, shaking her head vigorously and affirming she hadn't had a clue but wouldn't deny being happy hearing about it.

It must've been convincing enough as they hadn't bothered her again since.

Thinking about it now, she technically could try finding him. She knew where he lived after all. However, he had made it clear to her that he didn't want that. That he didn't believe it'd be a good idea. And she respected it, although it was tearing her apart a bit. Just a little bit. A tiny bit. It drove her mad how he'd made that decision for her.

A yawn left her lips, interrupting her thoughts as she entered the main street. She was sleepy, she realised. And hungry. She hadn't had a proper meal all day long yet. Just lived by her iced coffee and some snacks here and there. She was just overall tired.

Too tired to notice two men following her through the mass of pedestrians in the busy street.

Only when one stumbled into a food stand, creating a ruckus and earning scolding from the vendor, she noticed them. And the way they shoved past people with determination in their eyes.

It was like a déjà-vu. Those cold stares, those suits - her instincts instantly kicked in and she started running. Not caring about the weird looks she received by pushing through people.

The metro sign was glowing in the distance, it wasn't far but she decided to take another way to hopefully make them lose sight of her. She turned into a sightstreet, into a bbq-restaurant she knew had a back door next to the restrooms that was leading into a back alley. From there she entered another street after pulling on the hood of her black hoodie. A different station entrance already in near distance. She dared peeking behind her, not able spotting them anymore and she sighed in relief when reaching the stairs leading underground. Quickly making her way down to her platform.

Cautiously, she stayed at the far back. Her eyes wandered over the waiting crowd. Making sure those guys hadn't followed her till there. And only when the train arrived and she finally entered, her racing heart began calming down.

Perhaps she had only imagined things. Perhaps those men weren't actually looking at her some type of way. Perhaps they weren't after her. Perhaps it had been two regular men walking home from work. Perhaps those past weeks had made her literally paranoid, beginning seeing threats when there were none.

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