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The lighter becoming sky outside peaked behind the closed curtains. Washing them a lighter shade of blue, contrasting the otherwise pitchblack room.

Soyeon screwed her eyes shut, attempting to drift back to sleep when sensing a warm breath brushing over her shoulder. Her head turned slightly, trying catching a glimpse of him in the dark although all she could really see was his dark sillhouette.

She shifted, now her whole body facing his as she slid her hand under her pillow, while the other reached out for him. She couldn't see him, but she could sense him. She could hear his steady breathing, smell his scent, feel his smooth skin under her fingertips. Carefully, her fingers wandered up his angled arm, reaching his hand that was laying just beneath his face. She could only imagine how serene and lovable he must've looked in that moment as she gently covered it with her hand. Squeezing it lightly. It was warm and soft of on the top and slightly calloused on the inside.

The sound of him exhaling deeply echoed in the silence and she tensed, fearing she'd woken him up. Soon hearing him continuing breathing regularly though. Her chest unclenching in relief, only to tense anew when everything came into mind.

It wasn't fair, she thought, it wasn't fair he got pulled into this kind of life again despite having retired from it only months ago. And for what?

A frustrated sigh left her lips, her jaw clenching.

He was too sweet and caring for his own good. Even if he had some kind of feelings for her as well, it didn't justify him risking it all for her. For someone he barely knew.

And a wave of guilt and sorrow washed over her.

No, it wasn't fair at all.

She liked him and cared too much for him, as naive and rushed as it might've been.

Was it even possible to like someone after such a short time? Was there even an appropriate time period that needed to pass before being allowed to delevop some kind of deeper feelings?

She concluded there wasn't something like a reasonable time after all. Feelings developed when they did, they didn't obey any rules. So she didn't feel naive or irrational when admitting to herself that she did like him, a lot. And she didn't want this mess for him.

Even if he was far more skilled and knowlegable regarding these things than her, her conscious would never forgive her. He had turned his back to this life. She didn't want to be the reason for him returning.

A rueful smile tucked on the corners of her lips as she scooted closer to him, brushing long waves from his face.

"Maybe in another life.."


It was almost eight in the morning when Yoongi jumped awake. The faint noise of a door shutting close making him stir up and he rubbed his eyes, feeling desoriented for a moment as it'd been quite awhile since he had slept in for so long. Usually he was only able to sleep for four hours top. Never longer.

He slowly took in his surroundings then, the memory of spending the night with Soyeon coming back.

His eyes fluttered closed again with a sleepy smile and his arm stretched out. Brows furrowing when not sensing anything but sheets beside him. And a piece of paper.

With a frown, he grabbed the paper and held it up against his burning eyes, blinking hard when trying distinguishing any words in the delicate handwriting. He rubbed his eyes and pushed back some of the long waves that had fallen in front of his eye. Forcing himself to sit up and taking a better look on it.

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