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Seoul, South Korea


Soyeon blew out a long sigh before taking a sip from her iced coffee. It felt odd to be back in Seoul after three weeks. Weeks of feeling terrified and anxious when now everything seemed back to normal. As if any of the previous incidents had never happened. A strange thought. Like a fever dream.

Her eyes wandered out to the people passing by on the street. It was a mild summer day, most going out for a walk or to meet friends. And she wondered if and how Arabella was planning to find her. Recalling their last conversation on the phone in the restrooms of the italian police station.

"They'll be flown out to Seoul tomorrow."
Arabella hummed, going silent then and Soyeon thought she had hung up, when she spoke up again. "What about you?"
"I'll have to give my testimony. Hope they can arrest that jerk.." she scoffed, "And after that, agent Jeon assured me I could fly back to Korea 
with them. After all, I don't have any papers with me to get back otherwise.."
"They'll escape won't they?"
"I don't think they'll try."
Soyeon frowned. "W-what? Will they just stay arrested and fac-"

"No, no. Obviously they'll flee," Arabella laughed, "But if they're smart, which Yoongi and Taehyung are, I guess my idiot as well, they'll do it when they're back in Seoul. It wouldn't make sense to escape now and try getting back to Taiwan from there. They'd be more obstacles with pops being on their tail. The smart move would be for them to do it in Korea, which is way closer to Taiwan and has direct connections."
The younger woman hummed understanding. If put like that, it made indeed sense. And Arabella was supposedly a thief as well, or had been, so she should know more than her.

"No need to worry," Arabella said then, "I'll fly out to Seoul myself. I'm sick of sitting here idle and missing out on all the fun anyway, so I'll help them get out."

"A-aren't you afraid of getting caught as well?"

Arabella clicked her tongue almost offended at the insinuation. "Please, I'm not a noob like them!"
Soyeon pursed her lips, unsure if she was going to regret her next move. "C-could I come with you?"
"You mean in bailing the guys out? Absolutely not. You're unexperienced."
She wasn't able to argue with that and yet, she tried to. "I know.. but I feel miserable. They're only in this situation because of me. Obviously I'd let you professional take care of the difficult stuff, but.. but.." Her jaw clenched when thinking about Yoongi's expression when she'd last seen him. Those glum eyes. And him being in a cell now like a criminal. She knew he technically was one, been one in the past. But he wasn't one to her. He was much more to her than that. "If I can help in any way, even if only a little bit.."

"I could think of a way.." Arabella contemplated then with a sigh, "But just to be clear, if Yoongi gets angry at me for getting you involved, it was your fault. You were persistent and demanded to be part of it, not letting me any choice. Got it?"
Soyeon's eyes lit up. "Yeah, yes, of course!"
"Alright, see you in Seoul then."
"W-wait, where should we meet?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll find you."

And with that she hung up. Leaving Soyeon perplexed back.

She took another sip, taking her phone out and going to her photo gallery. She didn't feel like returning home yet. Getting adjusted to work again was already hard, but then staying in her lonely apart was almost insufferable.
A sentimental feeling overtaking her as she scrolled through her photos, stopping at the last one she had of her grandfather. He was attempting to smile, something he rarely did in photos. Not because he'd been a serious man, rather because he liked to appear like one. She giggled. That somehow reminded her of Yoongi. On the outside he seemed cool, calm, collected, but she had managed to catch a glimpse of his true nature. The warm, kind and caring side of his.

a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt