Chapter 16: Lover

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Jeonghan stared at Joshua's beautiful sleeping face and traced the outline of his face.

"You are so beautiful, Shua, and I can't believe you are mine," Jeonghan whispered, hands coming to rest on the younger's waist and pulled him closer, and the younger obediently snuggled in.

He remembered the time during high school when he saw Joshua for the first time squirming his way out from the big crowd in the hallway. "How could someone be this cute and beautiful at the same time?" He had thought. He was the first boy ever and person in general who caught the eyes of Yoon Jeonghan (and maybe his heart).

He was the one who approached Joshua first. Although the younger seemed to be distant at first, he soon warmed up to him and they became bestfriends and he also introduced him to his close friends so that Shua won't be alone when he was not there.

"Yoon Jeonghan, stop being rude with the girls. I am telling you, you would have to stay single your whole life," Joshua huffed as Jeonghan also said the same phrase with him.

"Come on, Shua, you have been saying that same phrase since last year," Jeonghan said, giving Joshua his favorite carrot pastry, and Joshua took it while rolling his eyes. "Then be better with them, I won't have to say it," Joshua said.

He turned to Jeonghan, "Hannie... there is a proper way to reject someone. You can't just coldly say, "I am not interested in you," it would make them feel insecure about themselves," Joshua said.

There, this is the part which Jeonghan loves the most. Joshua is an angel, the sweetest being on earth.

"Okay, my Joshuji, I promise to be nicer to them. Happy?" Jeonghan said.

"Yes. Here," Joshua smiled and fed him a large piece of cake and laughed seeing Jeonghan's puffed cheeks. Jeonghan immediately caved in and smiled swallowing (it wasn't that big) the cake.

"Hannie..." Joshua said with a voice that only Jeonghan recognizes. It was rare to see and hear Joshua cry.

"Hey, what happened?" Jeonghan asked worriedly. He kind of knew the reason since it was the day the college entrance result was announced.

"Nothing happened," Joshua said.

Jeonghan sighed, "Where are you?"


"I am coming," Jeonghan said and ended the call.

Jeonghan took a deep breath and rang the bell.

"Oh... Jeonghan, what are you doing here?" Joshua's brother Jinyoung asked.

"I came to meet Joshua," Jeonghan replied. Jinyoung nodded his head and invited him in.

He went to Joshua's room and knocked. "Shua?" When he didn't get any reply, he went in, and his heart broke, seeing the younger curled up at the foot of his bed.

"Shua?" Jeonghan called again. Joshua looked up, his eyes swolled red from crying. "Hannie," Joshua said in a small voice. Jeonghan went near him and directly sat next to him.

"What happened?" Jeonghan asked, wrapping his arms around the younger. Joshua lay his head on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"I got into Yonsei University," Joshua said, sniffling. Part of Jeonghan cheered in joy because he was enrolled in the same uni.

"It's great, Shua," Jeonghan said and rubbed his shoulder up and down slowly in a soothing motion.

Joshua shook his head and said, "My father knew about it," Jeonghan's hand stopped.

"Did he say something?"

"He almost canceled my enrollment, and I talked back. I don't want to become a doctor, Hannie. Even the smell of blood makes me dizzy," Joshua said.

"I know you are not interested in becoming a doctor, and that was brave of you, Shua. Your father can't just order you to do something you wouldn't want to," Jeonghan said.

"But I talked back at him and mom, too. Father already hates me because I am gay, I added another reason for him to hate me. I am such a disappointment," Joshua said, his tears making Jeonghan's shirt wet.

Jeonghan straightened up and cupped Joshua's face, "You are not Shua. It is your right to study whatever you want and love whoever you want to. You are perfect, not a disappointment. Stop crying, hmm?" Jeonghan said, wiping the tears.

Joshua cried more and hugged Jeonghan, "Joshua.." Jeonghan said, patting his back.

"Hannie... please... just...let me stay like this for a while," Joshua said.

"Of course, Shua. You can lean on me for as long as you want. I am here," Jeonghan said, and Joshua hugged him tightly in response.

Joshua fell asleep on Jeonghan's shoulder after a while. Jeonghan picked him up and put him to bed, "I promise to never let a tear drop from your eyes again Shua," Jeonghan said and before he could stop himself he placed a light kiss on Joshua's forhead.


He never realized when and how he fell for Joshua, and he regrets for not being honest with himself.

Joshua opened his eyes slowly and stretched himself. He noticed Jeonghan looking at him and blushed madly.

"Good morning," Jeonghan said, his voice a little deeper than usual.

"Good morning Hannie, what's the time?" Joshua asked, getting out from Jeonghan's hold.

"9:00am," Jeonghan said and stood up and opened the curtains.

"You don't have work today?" Joshua asked.

"Yes... I will go in the afternoon," Jeonghan said and led Joshua to the bathroom and gave him the extra toothbrush.
After cleaning up and dressing up, they decided to cuddle up in Jeonghan's luxurious couch and watch some movies.

"Hannie, stop staring at the me and pay attention to the movie," Joshua said, face little flushed.

"But your face is far more interesting and beautiful than that movie," Jeonghan said, smirking, waiting for the younger's reaction.

"Whatever," Joshua said and continued watching the movie.

"Shua..." Jeonghan said and turned Joshua's face towards him. Without further delay, Jeonghan kissed Joshua deeply, making the younger's eye widen but immediately kissing back.

"What was that for?" Joshua panted.

"Just for reassurance," Jeonghan said and pecked his lips again, "And your lips are very addicting," Jeonghan added, making Joshua blush.

"Shut up... at least warn me first if you are going to kiss me like that," Joshua said.

"I could have gotten a heart attack if it wasn't for the fact that you became my boyfriend yesterday," Joshua thought to himself.

"Okay darling, if that's what you want. Can I kiss you again?" Jeonghan asked.

"Of course. I wasn't talking about permission, though," Joshua said, and this time, it was Joshua who leaned in first and circled his arms around the elder's neck.


A/n: Just for clarification, it is not the end of the book. Hehe.

This chapter was mainly to show that Jeonghan fell in love with Joshua at first sight, and Joshua was not the only one who was crazily in love.

Thank you💐

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