∘₊✧─── 𝟎𝟐

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"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚?" 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝, looking around the dark corridor, the only light coming from the moon through the large windows. It was currently 00:15 and Blair and Theo had snuck out into the corridors, hoping to find the labs that Theo had seen when he was drugged.

"When do I ever have a bad idea?" He asked, grinning and flashing the torch at her. Blair simply rolled her eyes and continued walking, careful to not slip on the wooden floor in her fluffy slippers. With a quick look around the corner, the pair made their way past the canteen doors, where Theo suspected the labs might be. The boy stopped outside a single wooden door marked JANITOR and looked over his shoulder at the blonde. Instead of a handle, the door had a protective number pad on it. It had 6 spaces on the screen.

"This is it." He announced, moving towards it. He pushed the door, trying to get it open. Blair let out a small laugh.

"Did you really think that was going to work?" She asked, brows furrowed slightly as she tipped her head to the side in thought. She moved to stand beside him, staring at the door.

"Well duh, or else I wouldn't have tried it." He shrugged, inspecting the number pad. "I reckon they change this thing every few weeks, just in case a certain blonde student happens to be wandering the halls at night." Theo teased, resting his arm on her shoulder as he squinted at the numbers. He stood for a minute, frowning, until his face morphed into a small smile. Theo then typed in the numbers 030221 and with a small click, the door had been unlocked. Blair's jaw hung open, stood in awe.

"No way." She said, Theo rolled his brown eyes and ushered them inside. Theo pointed the torch around, checking for anyone. "They always make the passwords something easy to remember, like the death date of the last student they slaughtered." He said with a grin on his face as they looked around.

Blair stopped breathing for a minute, the room was massive, surrounded with little labs with glass windows. There was a lab chair in each one, with cables sprouting out all ends. Luckily for them, there was no one working in the labs that night.

Theo immediately started opening the drawers of the nearest desk, moving things about quickly. Blair stood awkwardly, glancing around.

"What are you doing?" Theo asked, looking at her.

"Well I don't know! What am I supposed to be looking for?" She whisper-shouted, crossing her arms while facing her body towards him. He ran a hand through his hair, looking around. He stared at a box in front of him.

"There." He pointed. The boy turned his back to her, rummaging through a bunch of papers. Blair crouched in front of the box, opening the lid and looking through it. In it, she found medical files dating back to the 90's. With a frown, she skimmed through the information, landing on one name in particular, SADIE PARKER.

Blair folded the paper up, putting it in her hoodie pocket and closing the box. When she turned around, Theo had his eyes on the door, putting a finger to his mouth. They heard the numbers being typed on the keypad and Theo immediately grabbed Blair's hand, pulling her with him to a hiding spot. He had dragged her to the last lab room, behind a wooden desk.

The blonde tried to calm her breathing as she heard the clacking of heels and shoes nearing the corner they were at. Theo still had a grip on her hand, giving her a breathless smile to reassure her as they sat in silence, eyes widening as the noises came closer. The footsteps faded, but voices could still be heard.

"This is our newest formula." Blair recognised this as the headmaster's voice as he spoke to the people in the room with him. "It's been tested on many students, all proving to work well."

"And the girl?" A female voice questioned, one that Blair didn't recognise. She obviously didn't work at the school.

"We're working on it." He said, teeth gritting together.

"Well work faster, she's beginning to notice." The woman hissed and Blair moved her head up slightly so she could see. The woman had her back to the room the pair were in, but she was tall and blonde, pretty much towering over the headmaster. He was sitting at the desk, fumbling about with pieces of paper nervously. Whoever this lady was, she obviously had a position of power.

"Don't worry, we'll be done with her by the end of this month." The headmaster said, straightening out the files in his hand and putting them back in the drawer, locking it with one of the many keys on his lanyard. He got up, walking over to meet the woman's side as they walked out of the room and down the hall, eventually closing the door to the labs.

Theo poked his head around the table, checking that the coast was clear and got up, holding a hand out for Blair. She took it and they looked at each other for a few seconds, taking in what just happened. Theo ran a hand through his hair.

"Well this is more to unpack." He sighed as he turned away from Blair and started pacing. She chewed on her lip, watching him.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yep, let's just go." Theo frowned, grabbing her hand and leading her to the door.

Once they checked that no one was hanging about, they left and quickly walked back to Blair's dorm. They walked in a comfortable silence, Theo with his hands in his pocket and Blair looking out the windows they passed. Theo was staring at her but Blair tried to ignore it as they reached her door.

"I hope the other girls aren't awake." She whispered as they came to a halt. She played with her sleeves, avoiding his gaze.

"Are you okay?" He frowned.

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" Blair huffed, crossing her arms.

"Like what?" He tilted his head, with a mocking gaze. Blair shook her head and checked the time on her phone.


"I'll see you later." She smiled, opening the door to the room as she waved goodbye to Theo. She closed the door carefully, making sure she made no noise as she moved towards her bed. Unfortunately for her, one person was wide awake and sitting on her bed. Blair gasped, putting a hand over her heart as she saw the outline of Clara's body.

"What are you doing up?" The blonde whispered, moving to sit next to Clara with her legs crossed beneath her.

"Waiting for you." Blair could sense Clara roll her eyes as she said it. "Where have you been?"

"I went to the labs, C." Blair frowned.

"Don't call me that." Clara said, pausing. "You did what?"

"Went to the labs." Blair said, shrugging as she fixed her messy bun. The black haired girl groaned.

"By yourself?" She asked.

"No, Theo was with me."

"Right, okay." Clara nodded slowly, getting up. "I'm going to bed then, we can talk about this later."

"Alright, goodnight C." Blair grinned and Clara shook her head, hiding a smile.

It might be peaceful now, but how much longer till Blair realises this is not a game that can be won by simply participating?

─── 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄

so happy to have updated again, thank you to everyone who has been supporting woodridge recently! we went from 500 reads to 700 in a few weeks and i'm honestly shocked. 

i love you all <33

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