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𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 at herself in the mirror. Her uniform was perfect, as was her hair but she felt anxious. It was her first day at a new school, a new school that she definitely didn't belong in.

It was her Aunt that suggested Woodridge Academy. It was a school that taught multiple things, like languages, dance and sports.

The thing that made Blair want to go the most was the fact that they offer ballet. Her favourite thing before her parents died was her ballet classes every Sunday since she was 3. It was something that was part of her daily routine, and now she would be doing it everyday.

Blair was most anxious about staying in the dorms, they looked unbelievably nice, but sharing a room with 3 girls she didn't know seemed like a downside. The Academy was only 30 minutes away from her Aunt Sadie's which was a little bit more comforting.

"Are you ready, Blair?" She called from downstairs. Blair fixed her hair and applied a little bit more lip-gloss.

"Yep!" She shouted, grabbing her bag and going downstairs. Her Aunt's house was a mansion, with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, they had their own personal chef and a maid too. It took a little bit of getting used to, but she learned to accept it and go along with the lifestyle. Aunt Sadie and Phil were waiting downstairs to drive her.

"You look gorgeous, you're going to make so many new friends and have a wonderful time. I promise." She smiled, taking Blair's bag. Aunt Sadie made a lot of promises to her, but never broke one. It's like magic, she promises something and it happens. It was making Blair start to feel better already.

The car ride felt long. The only way she could describe Phil is energetic. He's like a golden retriever, always wanting to do something and talk about something. Blair had her airpods in, watching the trees blur into each other. When they finally arrived, she told her Aunt and Phil that she would go in by herself but her Aunt insisted on taking her in.

They walked in together to the front office, the whole building was built like a castle, there was a massive staircase, probably leading to classes. Blair was overwhelmed by the amount of things that were going on, people were laughing and happily chatting, how would she ever make new friends so late in the school year?

"Hi, I'm Sadie Sharpe, I'm here to make sure my niece gets in." Her aunt told the lady at the office, an arm around Blair. The office lady looked them both up and down and gave them a look, before typing something into her computer. A boy came running down the large staircase, his tie loose and his hair a mess. He checked his watch, and then his pace turned to a walk as he moved towards Blair and her Aunt.

"I'm not late, am I?" He asked, flattening his hair and fixing his tie. "I'm Harry Ledger, I'll be showing you around today." He grinned, and shook Blair's hand, as well as her Aunt's.

"Looks like you're in good hands, I'll go now Blair Bear! Remember, you can come home anytime." Her Aunt said, hugging her and stroking her hair. Blair watched her Aunt go out the doors, and then turned round to face Harry.

"Hi, I'm Blair." She said, smiling at him. Fake it till you make it was her new motto this school year.

"I'm Harry, let's get started shall we?" He asked, and started to lead them up the stairs. Blair looked around, shocked by the high ceilings and the size of the place. "It's a big school, right?" Harry said, noticing her wandering eyes.

"I've never seen anything like it." She responded. He chuckled, and then turned around to face her.

"I'm guessing you didn't grow up in the same way most kids here did, did you?" He asked.

𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘Where stories live. Discover now