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𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐃 her roommates about the ordeal last night, mainly because she didn't think that they would try to help her. Margot always seemed to shift on the topic of the school and any weird behaviour, and she didn't want to tell Freya, in case it made her upset. Blair was still stuck on the sentence in the newspaper about Theodore Allen. "His friends and family were worried about his behaviour as he had been saying questionable things about the school."

Her old school was public, boring and pretty normal, but at Woodridge, things were a lot different, creepy even.  Blair might have been overthinking it, despite the strange events that had happened earlier.

Blair woke up a few hours after last night's events, to arguing. Opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of Freya and Clara speaking in angry whispers, and Margot was sat on Freya's bed.

"Are you crazy? She'll find out anyway." Clara looked over to Blair, and the girl quickly shut her eyes.

"I don't even know why they made the stupid thing. It's not as if anyone here wasn't there when it happened." Freya said.

"Blair wasn't here. You know why she's in this school right?" Clara raised her voice a bit. Margot looked at Blair worriedly, warning the girls to be quiet.

"Shut up! She'll wake up with your shouting." Freya exclaimed quietly. Blair decided it was time to pretend to wake up, or else she would have to lie there for a while.

"Morning Blair! We were about to head to breakfast, want to come?" Margot smiled, adjusting her hair. Blair yawned, taking her hair out of its low ponytail.

"No, it's okay." She smiled back, looking at the three girls standing in front of her. "You guys can go." After the girls left, Blair went to the shared bathroom, taking a shower and doing her morning routine.

I should really have everything strange written down. She thought as she packed up her bag of toiletries. Blair looked in the mirror, flattening her hair down, when she saw something in the corner of the mirror.

I, D.

Blair gasped, moving closer to the sinks to see the mirror. So far she had F, I and D. Blair walked fast back to the dorm, memorising the letters in her head.

F, I, D

F, I, D.

F, I, D.

Over and over again. Blair was almost sure what the word was, but was still sceptical of how many other letters there were. Once she got to the dorm, it was empty as the girls had left for breakfast. She grabbed her bag, ripped a piece of paper out of her jotter and wrote down the letters on it. Blair shoved the paper in a book on her bedside table.

After getting changed and doing her hair into a plait, Blair headed to breakfast. It was only 7am, so there was still time left to eat, Blair had chosen scrambled eggs and toast that morning. She found her usual table with the others and sat down, not knowing that there was a younger girl at their table as well. Margot cleared her throat and looked at Blair.

"Blair, this is my little sister, Rosie." She gave her sister's shoulder a squeeze. Rosie looked about 12, looking up at Blair with a condescending look. Blair gave her a smile.

"Hi." She said, digging into her food. Rosie eyed up her breakfast option and looked Blair up and down.

"Hello." The girl replied, giving her sister a look and then leaving. Margot smiled at Blair and shook her head.

"She's a lot to handle, and can be such a bitch sometimes." Margot explained. "I think she got it from dad." She giggled, packing up her stuff.

"What've you got next, B?" Margot asked, swinging her bag over her shoulder. Blair looked at her timetable on her lock screen.

"I've got a free, what about you?"

"Me too! Shall we go to the tennis courts?" Margot asked.

"I'll be at the courts as well, I just need to go to the room to grab my bag." Freya said and then left as well.

"Okay." Blair shrugged, answering Margot's question. She wasn't really wanting to spend her free period ogling the tennis players, but it could take her mind away from other matters.

The two headed out to the grounds. Blair hadn't seen this side of the academy much, she was always stuck inside. Whether it was ballet classes, or english and maths, she never really had enough time to go outside. Blair was still shocked about the size of the tennis courts. The discovery of Theodore Allen had thrown her off the rest of the awards cabinet, not looking at it properly. Most of the tennis trophies were showcased outside, in another cabinet. For all Blair knew, the glass was bulletproof.

Margot was gripping onto Blair's arm the entire walk, leading her to a set of tables and chairs on the side of the court. Blair wondered how many people would just sit here and enjoy the sound, she was certainly finding it annoying.

"There's Noah and Harry!" Margot exclaimed, pointing and waving. Blair raised her hand as well, and the boys smiled. Blair looked around for Freya, noticing that she wasn't here.

"Where's Freya?" She asked Margot.

"She's grabbing her bag, remember?" Margot was focused on everything around her, not turning to look at Blair.

"Oh, yeah." Blair responded, turning back to the courts. Noah and Harry were getting closer to the two girls.

"Hey!" Noah said, as they got closer. They were both catching their breath, obviously tired after their match. "Where's my sister?" He asked, looking around.

"She went to get her bag." Blair replied. Noah smiled at her, and that put Blair on edge a bit.

"There she is!" Margot said. Freya was walking towards the group, dropping her bag at their table. She had a little bit of red on her shirt.

"Is that blood?" Blair asked, pointing it out.

"Yeah, I get nose bleeds a lot." Freya explained with a small smile. Blair noticed the look that was exchanged between the siblings but changed the subject. "Are you playing right now, Freya?"

"Yeah, I was hoping for a rematch." She grinned at her brother, and he rolled his eyes.

"Bring it on." They raced onto the tennis courts, pushing each other over. Harry sat in the chair next to Margot. They started gossiping about things that Blair wasn't interested in.

"Hey, where can I get a notebook?" She asked, taking her phone out of her bag.

"A notebook?" Margot furrowed her brows. "The office maybe."

"Thanks! I'll see you guys later." Blair got up and made her way to the office, waving goodbye at Freya and Noah on the way out. She put her Airpods in and listened to Wicked Game by Chris Isaak, hoping that her favourite song would bring her some feeling of comfort. When Blair got to the office, the lady at the desk didn't look up until Blair had said "Excuse me" twice.

"Shouldn't you be in class, young lady?" The lady said. Blair internally rolled her eyes.

"I have a free. Is there any chance that you could give me a notebook? I'm running low on them for my classes." Blair lied. The woman at the desk sighed and pulled the first notebook off the top of the box.

"There, don't lose it or you'll have to pay for it." The lady went back to whatever she was doing before Blair interrupted. The girl grabbed a pen from her bag, and wandered through the school until she found a quiet hallway. She sat on the windowsill, grabbing a pen from her bag.

Blair opened the book, and on the first page were the letters N, M and E. Blair quickly wrote the letters from this morning down and rearranged them. Eventually she got somewhere and formed a word.

Find Me.

𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘Where stories live. Discover now