∘₊✧─── 𝟎𝟓

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𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, but people in this school seemed to assume the opposite. She knew when Margot would make up some excuse to hang out and leave as quickly as she could, she knew when Freya would hurry away from any conversation including the school, coming back with strange injuries. But Clara was a mystery.

Clara Gordon-Sinclair was different from the other girls, she didn't shift uncomfortably when Blair talked to her or changed the subject when it was getting too personal. If anything, Clara was the most normal out of all of her roommates, so it was no surprise when Theo said he knew something was off about her.

Blair had made it her mission to talk to the girl. Constantly trying to get her alone or chat to her in their room, but every time, she shook her head and said "Not now."

Blair was the last in the ballet changing rooms, slowly packing up her bag as she tried to take as long as possible to get to Biology. Clara entered, slamming her locker open and looking through it, Blair turned and walked over.

"I need to talk to you." She demanded, leaning against a locker near.

Clara looked up and then around, making sure no one else was in here. She shook her head and looked up. Blair copied, seeing a small flashing light above their heads.

Now why am I not surprised. She thought, fighting the urge to roll her eyes, nodding at Clara.

Blair stood back, waiting for the girl to pack her stuff up. Once their stuff was packed up, Clara started walking and Blair followed.

She wasn't sure where she was going, but Clara was leading her on a trip around the back part of the school. The dark haired girl stopped, looking around before sitting down behind a small garden shed.

Blair frowned at Clara as the girl scrunched her nose up slightly.

"Sit down then." The brunette girl rolled her eyes, patting the grass next to her. Blair did as she said, throwing her bag carelessly down.

"This is the only place the cameras don't have access to, because who would voluntarily sit behind a grotty old tool shed." Clara looked around in disgust, moving her eyes back to Blair.

"So, I'm talking to you for a reason-" Blair started, before Clara interrupted.

"I'm going to stop you right there." She said, putting her hand up. "You don't talk to me, I talk to you. You're being chosen, be grateful." Clara threw a fake smile Blair's way, motioning for her to go on.

The blonde cleared her throat.

"Anyway, you're different aren't you ?" Blair asked, crossing her legs and staring at Clara.

"Well, if you mean with my perfect hair, face and grades then yes." She smirked. Blair sighed and Clara's face straightened.

"Okay fine, yes. I'm guessing you've figured something out. The other girls...they have been manipulated, threatened and scared to death about what's going to happen to them if they said anything." She explained.

"And you're not?" Blair frowned, trying to understand the girl a bit more.

Clara shrugged. "I have nothing to lose. I mean, my family don't talk to me unless they're asking about my test results and I'm pretty sure the only loving family member I have is my childhood dog."

"Oh." Blair responded. She knew that was a lame thing to say but how could she possibly comfort a girl who seemed to have herself pretty well handled?

Clara chuckled. "Yeah." She took a deep breath. "What I'm about to tell you, is the most important thing you are going to hear if you want to understand this place."

Blair nodded, the sound of tennis balls flying back and forth distracting her slightly.

"This school...well, I mean how do I even start this?" Clara rubbed her head. "There's this treatment room, multiple really. It's where students who are failing their tests or failing an extracurricular are sent. I don't know if you know this, but there was a boy last year who started asking too many questions, he was too suspicious and died." She sighed. "It wasn't his 'heart condition', he never had one."

Blair took the new information in, nodding along. She knew that Theodore's death was strange, considering the fact that he wasn't really dead. The girl frowned. Did Clara know Theo was still alive? At least she had gotten some answers to her questions about how strange the school is.

"So these testing rooms-" Blair was cut off as Noah and Harry appeared in front of the two girls, making the blond stand up immediately.

"What are you two doing over here?" Noah scrunched his nose up, looking around the area, then sending a confused look to his girlfriend.

Clara rolled her eyes, putting her hands in front of Blair. "Help me up."

Blair grabbed them, pulling the girl up, they both dusted themselves off a little, turning around to face the very confused pair of boys.

"You two are friends?" Harry questioned, swinging his tennis racket over his shoulder.

"I guess." Clara sighed, moving past the two, leaving Blair behind. Noah gave her a somewhat sympathetic look, following after his girlfriend.

"Should we head back?" Blair asked, not wanting to have to explain why she was hanging out with the bitchiest girl in school.

Harry nodded, suddenly feeling like he needed to keep a close eye on the girl, because, after all, secrets can be a killer.  

─── 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄

pretty short chapter but i'm trying to get in the swing of writing this book again! it took me at least a month to finish this chapter. 

vote & comment !! 

xoxo, magnottic....

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