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Storybrooke Maine, Present Day

Reagan sat in her nook just a few minutes past eleven at night reading when she heard a knock on her door, "Come in."

Her door opened as Regina walked in. Reagan maintained her gaze on the book she was reading.

"I thought you would be asleep," Regina said.

"Good book," Reagan answered.

"That is the fourth time you've tried reading Twilight and by the looks of it, you're only three pages in," Regina said, making her daughter sigh, putting her book down. "Something is bothering you."

Reagan looked at her, "Why are you not letting me and Henry see Emma?"

"Haven't we been over this before? She is a bad influence, and she's putting ideas in your head. I know you were the one who broke into my office. I know that it was your idea."

"I did it because we thought you were taking money from the city for yourself. I don't want to come from a family like that. Do you know that your reputation, as strong as it is, hurts me? Do you know why I don't have any friends at school? It's because of you! Everyone is scared of you! And quite frankly, if I was them, I would be scared too."

Regina looked at her daughter in shame whilst Reagan felt some relief, but broken at the same time. Regina had always cared for Reagan, but this was how she was repaying her? No, she couldn't think like that. Her mother had done terrible things.

"Reagan," Regina said quietly.

Reagan set down her book before storming out of her room, down the hall, and the stairs whilst Regina went after her, "Reagan!"

Once in the kitchen, Reagan went to the door that went to the garage. The teen grabbed a pair of blue sneakers that she easily slipped on before reaching for her black leather jacket. The girl looked up to see her mom's keys hanging. With no hesitation, she grabbed the keys before going into the garage to find the black Mercedes. The girl opened the garage door before getting in the car, starting it up. She had never driven before, but she had watched her mother enough times to know the basics of operating a car.

The girl started the car up before putting it in reverse. The Mercedes backed into the driveway before pulling out onto the street as the door connecting to the house opened. Reagan could see her mother looking at her and the car in shock and fury. The teen quickly put the car in drive before speeding off down the road.

As she drove, she quickly learned the car, putting on the headlights and making sure she knew how the wipers worked. She would need them when she left town.

That's right, Reagan Mills was leaving Storybrooke, and she didn't want to look back. She no longer cared what she and her brother said about how people don't come and go. The teen had to get out of the cursed town. Maybe then she could be happy.

As she drove down Main Street, she started questioning her decision. Was this even a good idea? Where was she going to go? And she was dumb enough to not even grab money, what was she going to do when she ran out of gas? She would figure it out, she was a smart kid. She quickly figured out that her destination would be Michigan. She always loved the state and how pretty it was. When Regina talked about Reagan going to Storybrooke College, Reagan could only keep on dreaming of the University of Michigan.

Ann Arbor. That was her destination. Surely she would be able to get into the high school there and then–

She didn't realize that she was already at the town line. This was it, she was about to leave everything she knew behind–

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