True North

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"You know, I never understood why you like these so much," Reagan said to Henry as they stood in the pharmacy, looking at the comic books

"That's because you're a girl."

Reagan stuck her tongue out at him as a girl with blonde hair came up to them.

"Whatcha reading?" the girl asked.

The two turned to her. Henry held up his book, "Wolverine vs Hulk. I'm Henry."

"I'm his sister, Reagan."

"I'm Ava," the girl replied. "I think I've seen you guys around school. You're in Miss Blanchard's class, right Henry?"

Henry nodded with a smile as a boy with dark hair joined them, "Almost ready, Ava?"

"This is my brother, Nicholas," the girl said.

"Hi," the boy said before looking at his sister. "Come on, let's go."

"You guys wanna come hang out?" Ava asked.

Henry and Reagan looked at each other before looking back at the two, "Sure."

Henry picked up his backpack, swinging it onto his back. Reagan and Henry followed the other brother-sister duo to the door. Nicholas went to open the door, only for the owner of the pharmacy, Mr. Clark, to stop them.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, looking at Henry. "Open up your backpack."

"What?" Henry asked.

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me. Open your bag."

Reagan unzipped the bag, catching Ava and Nicholas looking at each other.

"Regs, I didn't take anything," Henry whispered.

"I know, just let me do the talking," the teen whispered back.

Mr. Clark came around the counter and shoved the teen aside, pulling Henry's bag off of him. Mr. Clark pulled out chocolate bars that were not there before.

"A liar, too," he declared.

"Mr. Clark, this is just a big misunderstanding," Reagan said. "We didn't take those!"

"You with him?"


"Then you were a part of this as well."

"What? No! I would never steal. Mr. Clark, please, we've known each other for forever!"

Henry looked at Ava, "That's why you were talking to us. So your brother could put that stuff in there."

"Henry, Reagan, I am shocked," Mr. Clark said before looking at Ava and Nicholas, "and you two, just who do you think you are?"

Within minutes of the man calling her, Regina quickly showed up.

"I'm sorry, Madam Mayor, but your kids were shoplifting," Mr. Clark said, once the mayor arrived.

Regina looked at her son and daughter, "Were you?"

Henry shook his head.

"This is just a big misunderstanding," Reagan said before looking at Mr. Clark. "I don't understand why we would be suspects of this when you know our reputation."

"Look for yourself," Mr. Clark said to the mayor, pointing to a bench where Henry's backpack laid.

Regina looked at it, "They don't eat candy. And they both know better than to steal." She looked at Ava and Nicholas. "It was obviously those two. We're going."

A Tale of Two SistersWhere stories live. Discover now