The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

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"Hey, Emma," Reagan said as she walked into the sheriff's station a few nights later to find the blonde eating a donut from the bakery.

"Regs, what are you doing here?" Emma asked, looking up from her work.

"I was bored, and I wanted to come see you," the ravenette answered, sitting down on the opposite side of a desk the deputy was working at.

"And what does your mom have to say about that? It's eight o'clock."

"She was surprisingly fine with it. I think after the mine incident she doesn't want to risk me running off again. I think it's safe to say I could get away with anything right now with her."

Emma chuckled.

"Where's Graham?"

"He's volunteering at the animal shelter tonight."

"Huh, never took him for an animal person."

Silence fell between the two until Emma said, "Oh! You want to know something?"


"David left Kathryn."

Reagan's jaw dropped, "You're kidding."

"I'm not."

The teen smiled slightly, "Things are really changing around here. Now Snow and Charming can be reunited."

"Mary Margaret was the one who told me. I told her to take a chance with him."

Reagan smiled, "Well look at you Miss 'Curse Isn't Real'. You're trying to get your parents back together."

"I–well, uh . . ."

The teen only smiled before asking Emma if there was anything she could help with. Lucky for the teen, there was some paperwork to catch up on and digitizing so she was put to work.

When Emma's shift was over, she took the teen back home. As the yellow Beetle pulled up to the mansion, the saviors could see a figure climbing out of Regina's window. The two got out of the car and each took a side to the front gate, hoping to nail whoever was snooping around in the Mills mansion. When the person left the gate, Reagan kicked out her foot, nailing the person in the gut before realizing who it was. Graham.

Everything started to fall into place.

"This is volunteering?" Reagan asked.

"Plans changed. Your mother needed me to–"

"Sleep with her?" Emma asked.

"No," Graham said, but the women could see right through him.

"Why were you sneaking out the window?" the teen asked.

"Because she didn't want Henry or Serenity to know," the man admitted.

"You did this with them in the house?" Emma asked.

"They're sleeping. They don't know."

"Oh my god. I wish I was them right now, this is disgusting," the ravenette gagged.

"I really do work at an animal shelter."

"You can take my shifts, I'm done working nights," Emma said.

* * * * *

Enchanted Forest, thirty-one years ago

Reagan could finally breathe.

All of the pain, all of the abuse, all of the suffering, it was all gone with the death of The King.

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