Desperate Souls

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tw: severe homophobia mentioned

It had been two weeks since Sheriff Graham's death and since Reagan had started living with Emma and Mary Margaret. Emma had taken on the role of sheriff, despite not being elected.

The saviors walked into Mr. Gold's pawn shop, the older one looking for the man, "Gold? You in here?"

They walked to the back to find the man at a table whilst a pungent smell filled the air.

"Whoa! What is that?" Reagan asked.

"Now, that is lanolin used for waterproofing," Gold replied.

"Smells like livestock," Emma said.

"Why, it is the reason why sheep's pelt repels water."

"It stinks! Um, is there a reason why you called the Sheriff's Department? If you want to talk about that quickly or . . . outside."

"Yes," Gold stood and came around the table. "I just wanted to express my condolences, really. The Sheriff was a good man. You're still wearing the deputy badge?" The item in question was attached to Emma's jeans. "Well, he's been gone for two weeks now. And I believe after two weeks of acting as sheriff, the job becomes yours. You'll have to wear the real badge."

"Yeah, I guess . . . I'm just not in a hurry. So, um . . . thank you for the kind words," the blonde said before her and the raventte went to leave.

"I have his things," Gold said.

The teen turned, "What?"

"The Sheriff. He rented an apartment that I own. Another reason for my call really, I wanted to offer you a keepsake."

"I don't need anything," Emma said.

"As you wish, I'll give them to Mayor Mills. Seems like she was the closest thing he had to family."

"Not sure about that."

"No loss there I see. Look, I feel that all of this stuff is heading directly for the trash bin. You should take something. Look!" The owner picked up a jacket. "His jacket?"

Emma shook her head, "No."

"Look," Gold dug through the box, pulling out three walkie-talkies. "The girl and your boy might like them, you think? You three could play together."

"I don't . . ."

"No, please. They grow up so fast."
He handed them to the blonde who took them, "Thanks."

"You enjoy these with your boy and Miss Mills. The time together is precious, you know," Mr. Gold said, making the Saviors look at him questionably. "That's the thing about children: Before you know it, you lose them."

* * * * *

"You gotta remember what's inside the parenthesis goes first," Elphaba said, pointing at Serenity's homework as they sat on the latter's bed that same afternoon.

"I swear math is gonna be the death of me. My epitaph will be 'I told you so'," the brunette said.

"It just takes practice, but trust me, you'll get it. Hey, random question, but where's Reagan? Usually by now she would be asking me what book I'm currently reading."

"Short version of it: She moved to Miss Blanchard's apartment."

"Miss Blanchard . . . Miss Blanchard, why can't I put a face to the–"

"Snow White."

"Oh, gotcha, yep! Wow, how did your mom let her move in with her?"

"Mom and Reagan got into a fight the other night and Reagan got hit pretty good."

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