What is this place?

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I'm laying in a big room with a lot of beds and weird looking machines. The people who work here call it the hospital wing. When they brought me here, they injected me with some form of medicine. And to be honest, it really helped. I'm feeling a lot more better then when I came in here a few hours ago.

But then, my thoughts are interrupted by a woman entering the room. It's the same woman I saw when I arrived here.

"Hello, Y/N. How are you feeling?" She asks, while checking the machines.

I furrow my brows. "How do you know my name?"

She looks at me and smiles. "It's because you've been here before"

Wait, what? I try to remember it, but I can't. "No, that can't be true.. I don't-"

"Remember it" She finishes for me. "Yeah, I know. But we'll help you with that. So, again, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. The pain I had a few hours ago is practically gone"

She nods. "That's good. You were pretty beaten up when we found you, so we had to take care of that first. The monitors I put you on are telling me that you're as good as healed, so I think we can take you to your room now"

"My room?" I ask.

She nods and starts getting me off the monitors. After a minute she's done.

"Okay, take my hand and try to stand up carefully"

I nod, get off the bed and stand up. At first I'm a bit dizzy, but it fades away quickly. This is the first time I feel like I'm myself again. I feel powerful, strong and my senses are working the way they should.

I laugh.

"What is it?" The woman asks.

"I just.. I feel great" I say.

The woman smiles. "Okay, now follow me. I'll take you to your room"

She starts walking and I follow her.

Wow. I never thought I would ever say this, but it feels good to walk again. I haven't been able to do that since days.

We're walking through the building. It's not really big, but it's also not small. There are people walking everywhere. Sometimes, when a few of them notice me, they look shocked to see me. One man even walks up to the woman in front of me. "You found one of them?"

She nods. "It's the malfunctioning one, as you can see"

He looks at me and then back at the woman. "Wow, good luck then"

"Thank you"

He takes one more look at me and then walks away.

That conversation was weird. I still don't trust it here though, but I'm just going to pretend to be at ease to see if I can get information out of her.

Wait, I don't even know her name yet.

"Hey" I start. "What's your name?"

"You can call me doctor Ovanna. I'm basicly the boss around here"

I furrow my brows. "You're a doctor?"

"Well, more like a scientist. We all are, actually. But yeah, I also know a little about how the human body works and how to heal it"

I just nod my head slowly.

We turn a few corners and walk up a few stairs. And then, after three minutes of walking, we finally arrive at my room.

"This is it" Doctor Ovanna says, while standing in a doorway and pointing in the room.

I walk into the room and see a bed on my left and a desk in front of me. When I look at my right, I see an opening to another room.

"That's the bathroom" Doctor Ovanna starts. She probably saw the confusion on my face. "It's where you can clean yourself"

"Hm, okay" I say. I'll figure out how to use that later.

"I'll let you rest. Tomorrow we start with getting your memories back"

My memories? What does she-


Wait a second.

Getting my memories back? I can remember a conversation I had with the girls about this..

And then, in a split second, I'm in a flashback.

"How come I don't remember anything?" I ask them.

"That's the part that I don't understand" Jasmine starts. "But what I think is that most of the experiments they did on you didn't work out the way they wanted. So maybe that's why they made you forget about the place. I mean, those people did fucked up things, so why not erase memories? Maybe after that they left you somewhere far away from the lab"

I snap myself out of it.

The lab..

I turn around, hoping to get some answers, but I'm too late. Doctor Ovanna closes the door and locks it.

"No! Come back here!" I yell, while slamming the door as hard as I can.

"Be careful, Y/N. You don't want to hurt yourself again, do you? Now go sleep, I need you to be on full energie tomorrow. Otherwise I don't think you're gonna survive my tests" She sternly responds.

"WHAT TESTS?" I yell back. But I hear her walking away. "NO! COME BACK!"

I stop slamming the door and fall down on my knees. I feel my anger rise and as we know: that always means I'm about to do something stupid.

No, Y/N. Don't let your emotions control you. Just go to bed, tomorrow is a new day.

Maybe then you can figure out a way to escape this fucking place..


This is a shorter chapter, I know. But I promise I'll make it up to you guys!! This week is just a little hectic for me, so I'm sorry:)

Don't forget to vote and comment, though!

Take good care of yourselves!

Lot's of love,


Yellow Eyes (Neteyam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now