White coats

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Okay, so.. When I say that I've never felt weak, you have to believe me. But right now, I do. I feel weak. I am weak. My strength is gone, my sight is gone, I can't smell and hear as good as I normally can. And again: I don't even know where the fuck I am right now.

How nice.

The only thing I can remember is the moment where I felt something sharp in my arm, like a needle or something. And after that, it got dark again. I don't know how long I've been out, so I can't estimate how far away I am from the place I just was with Neteyam.

Holy shit.. Neteyam..

He found me.. The girls found me..

And now I'm gone again. Why is this all happening to me? One moment I'm being kidnapped and almost raped and the next moment I'm being kidnapped again to Eywa knows where. What do all these people want from me? Like can't they just ask for it?

No, Y/N, focus. Don't be funny in a total not funny situation. That's too inappropriate. Just try to focus on your surroundings, maybe you'll find a clue.

I listen to the noices around me, trying to figure out where I am. But I hear nothing. I do feel something though, I feel like I'm sort of.. floating? But in a weird way, I can't explain it. I've never experienced something like this before.

And then, it abruptly stops. The whole thing I'm laying in just stands still within a second.

"Okay, let's get her out" I hear a man say.

"Be careful, she's hurt" A woman responds.

Two doors open and daylight comes in. My sight, wich is blurry at first, gets better by the second. And eventually, after a few more times of blinking, it's back.

I'm laying on a bed in a thing I've never seen before. But this bed isn't like the one the fucked up Na'vi guy gave me, though. This one is softer. They also wrapped me in a warm, white blanket. It's actually really comfortable to lay here..

No, focus. I'm being kidnapped again so I need to take a good look around.

As I do so, two men jump in and pick up the bed. I try to sit up, but gravity is pushing me back down. I told you: I'm weak.

They carefully take me out of the thing I'm laying in and when we're on the ground, I can finally take a good look at it. It's big, but not too big. Like, you can't stand in it, but you can sit in it. And it's got round things under it. I think that's how it moves. It's looking really weird, I've never seen anything like this before.

But then, my thoughts are interrupted. A woman comes walking beside the bed.

"Take her to the hospital wing, she needs to be healthy and strong for my tests"

The two men, who are carrying the bed, nod. Then, she focuses on me. "It's okay, you're safe now. I'm glad we have you back, Y/N"

Wait what?

She knows my name..?

I try to speak, but before something comes out of my mouth, the woman turns around and walks away.

What the fuck was that? How does she know my name?

I look around and see nothing but large trees around me and a weird building in front of me. There's also a small beach in the distance, but it's far away.

We enter the building and arrive in some sort of big, white hall with a lot of people walking around. They're all wearing the same clothes: black pants and long, white coats..

Yellow Eyes (Neteyam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now