She's gone?

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Neteyam's POV

It's been three hours now and Y/N still isn't back. I don't like the fact that she's alone for so long, so I have to check on her and see if she's okay.

I stand up, leave the tent and walk towards her cave. But when I arrive, I see that she isn't here.

What the fuck?

"Y/N!" I shout. But nothing answers me.

I look around, hoping to find a clue on where she went.

But there's nothing.

Maybe she went hunting? Or just running in the forest to clear her mind. That sounds like something she would do..


But my gut says that something's wrong. Maybe I should ask Tsireya, she always knows everything.

I walk back to the village. When I'm back, I see Tsireya walking together with Lo'ak on the beach, hand in hand.

"Tsireya!" I say. She and Lo'ak turn around.

As I walk closer, I hear Lo'ak sigh. "Bro, what do you want?"

"I just want to ask Tsireya something" I reply. But when I look at her, I see that she's been crying.

"Don't you see that she's upset? Her father just died" Lo'ak says. His tone is getting angrier now.

"I know and I'm sorry, but-"

"We're gonna bury him tonight, Neteyam" Tsireya comes in. Her voice is low and soft.

I just look at her with compassion in my eyes. I don't know how to respond to that, I feel so bad for her.

But I still decide to ask my question, eventhough this isn't the best moment. "Do you know where Y/N is? I looked for her everywhere. I even went to her cave, eventhough she said she wanted to be alone.."

"Bro, are you fucking serious? My girlfriend is about to bury her dad and you are selfish enough to still ask her where your girlfriend is?"

"Lo'ak, don't-" I start.

But he shakes his head. "No, Neteyam. You don't get to boss me around. Y/N is your problem, not ours"

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya comes in again. He stops talking and looks at her. Then, she turns her attention back to me.

"You're saying she's gone?"

My heart stops beating. "Wait, you also don't know where she is? I thought she always tells you everything"

Tsireya shakes her head. "No, she didn't tell me anything.. Have you asked the other girls?"

I sigh. "They don't really like me"

Tsireya's eyes widen in disbelieve.

"Neteyam, get over yourself! If you wanna know where Y/N is, then go ask them!" She says, while slapping my arm.

"Yeah, bro. Don't be a wuss" Lo'ak laughs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I really hate my little brother sometimes. But Tsireya is right. So I look at her and nod. "Okay"

I turn around and walk towards the girls.

"Hey" Elle greets me with a kind smile.

I give her a small nod. Then, Jasmine comes walking up to me with Nea and Sabine by her side.

"Do you know where Y/N is?" I ask them.

"No, she's always with you" Nea responds with worry in her eyes, as if she already knows something is wrong.

"She went to her cave, that's all I know" Sabine says. I can see the worry in her eyes too.

"Yeah, I've already looked there. But she's gone" I respond.

Jasmine sighs. "Girls, I'm gonna take a look for myself. I'm not sure if the Na'vi knows how to search good for something"

Wow, okay.

She then starts walking towards the cave with the girls following her. I also follow them, but I keep my distence.

"Jasmine, don't be so mean to him. You haven't given him a change to proof himself that he's okay" I hear Nea say.

"Yeah, I agree. I think he's really kind and protective. He's good for Y/N, why can't you see that?" Elle adds.

"Girls, if anyone of you would be the mother figure of our group and you'd see someone fall in love with one of us, how would you react to that?" Jasmine asks them.

"I would get protective as fuck" Sabine answers.

Jasmine smiles. "Exactly! Nea?"

Nea sighs. "I mean, me too.. I guess. But I would still give him a change"

Elle nods, agreeing with Nea.

Jasmine looks at them and then at the ground. She's silent for a few seconds, but then she looks up again. "I'll think about it"

Nea and Elle smile at eachother and give eachother a highfive.

Wow, she's gonna give me a change? I'm not even sure if I wanna give her one. But we'll see..

Jasmine's POV

When we arrive at the cave, I already smell something different. "Girls, you smell that too?" I ask them.

They all nod.

"What is it? What do you smell?" The blue one asks.

I look at him. "Someone's been here"

"But it's not our girl" Sabine fills in.

His eyes widen. "Can you tell who it is?"

"No, I wish we could. But unfortunately every person has their own smell" Nea explains.

But then, Elle comes to us with a piece of fabric in her hands. "Look at this, is it hers?"

I smell it and nod. "It is"

All their eyes widen.

"Why are there pieces of ripped clothes in the sand over there?" Elle asks.

My eyes widen now too. "There are more pieces?"

I walk over to the place Elle is pointing to now. And there I see several, little pieces of ripped clothes laying on the ground. It's logical that the blue one didn't see that, the little pieces are pretty hidden in the sand.

Well fuck me.

But then, I smell something else. I look to my left and see a little bit of blood laying in the sand.

"Shit!" I start. "There's blood over there!"

Sabine runs to it and bends down. The blue one follows her.

"That's her blood, I can smell it" She says.

The Na'vi's brows furrow. "How do you know what her blood smells like?"

"Because I've smelled it before" She responds.

The Na'vi stands up now and starts pacing around.

"Fuck!" He shouts.

"So.. Does that mean she's been kidnapped?" Nea asks worried.

I look just look at her, hoping that my face gives her the answer. And it does, because her eyes start watering now.

Then, the blue one grabs my arm harshly. His eyes are piercing through mine. "We have to find her"

The girls are all looking at me, waiting for me to respond. And after a few more seconds, I do.

"Let's go then"


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