A sacred sign

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"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"



Oh. My. God.



Is he serious? I mean, otherwise he wouldn't be asking me this, right? And he also wouldn't be as nervous as he is right now. I can feel and hear his heartbeat racing, poor guy.

I mean, we all know the answer I'm gonna give him. I just really like seeing him being stressed about this, it's cute.

Okay, now I'm just being mean. I'll put him out of his misery.

"Yes.." I say softly, not wanting to break the tension between us.

"Wha-... What?" He responds after a few seconds. His eyes widen, probably not believing my answer.

I turn my body and straddle him. I give him a deep and passionate kiss, taking him by surprise.

Then I break the kiss.

"I said yes.." I smile at him.

He then smiles one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen probably. God, why is he so adorable?

"I thought you were gonna say no" He says.

"Why would you ever think that?"

"Because I was afraid I'd be too soon.."

"I mean, maybe it is. But I don't mind at all. I just really, really like you" I smile against his lips.

"I really, really like you too" He smiles back. "But don't you have a problem with the fact that I'm a Na'vi and you're not?"

I give him a kiss on his forhead. "No, I don't have a problem with that at all, Neteyam. Do you..?"

"No, you are literally perfect to me. Other people might have a problem with it, though. But I'm not gonna listen to them. If we're happy with eachother, then that's all I care about"

"I totally agree with that" I smile.

He puts his lips on mine, this being our first official kiss as a couple. We've kissed before, but there's something special, something different about this one. As if something or someone knows this is meant to be.

Okay, now I sound weird.

After a few more minutes of kissing, I break the kiss gently. When I open my eyes, I see something in the reflection of Neteyam's eyes. It's giving light or something..

I see his eyes looking over my shoulder. "Baby, turn around" He says.

I turn my head, to see what it is. And when I see it, I can't believe my eyes.

There, in the water right in front of us, are all sorts of little blue/white ish lights. As if it's glow in the dark, just like Neteyam's little spots on his body that glow up when It's dark. It's beautiful..

"What is that?" He asks me.

"I-I don't know.." I reply, being in some sort of trance. But then I remember something I've been taught by Ronal when I was little. The seeds of the sacred spirit tree give light in the dark. Our spirit tree is underwater and because I don't go in the water, I've never seen it. So that's why I don't know how it looks like.

I stand up, walk over to the edge of the water and bend down to catch one of them. When I catch one, I take it out of the water and look at it very closely. It does look like a seed.

Neteyam comes sitting next to me, looking at what I'm doing.

"I think these are the seeds of our spirit tree" I say.

Yellow Eyes (Neteyam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now