Trust eachother

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Neteyam's POV

This morning I'm walking through the village, towards the tent of the girls. As promised to Danique, I'll talk to Jasmine today and see if we can both change our minds about eachother.

When I arrive, I see the girls having breakfast.

"Goodmorning, for as far as it's good" Danique starts with a kind, but small smile.

"I'm here for-" I point to Jasmine. "Can I talk to you?"

She sighs, rolls her eyes and stands up. "I'll be back in a minute"

We walk towards a quiet place at the beach and sit down in the sand.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asks.

I sigh. "Well, Danique thought it would be good if we would talk to eachother"

"Oh, so you didn't even come up with it yourself"

I shake my head. "No, that's not what I'm saying. I was actually already planning on having a talk with you. Danique only made me do it today"

She just nods her head slowly, while looking at the sand.

"Don't you think it's weird how we act around eachother? I mean, we don't even know eachother" I say.

"But that didn't stop you from being mean, now did it?"

I furrow my brows. "Was I ever really mean to you? Because from my perspective you were the one who started being mean to me"

It's quiet for a minute. She's probably thinking about how to respond to that.

But then she sighs. "I just.. It's been seventeen years since I saw Y/N. I lost her back then and I've blaimed myself for that since that day. And when I saw her again, years later with you and your siblings, I thought I was dreaming. I couldn't believe it. Believe me or not, but when you guys weren't there I talked to Natasha about it and I cried.. I never cry"

I look down at the sand and let it all sink what she just said. But then I look at her with compassion. "I get it, you know. I know you girls are like sisters to eachother. But the thing that I'm afraid of is that I am the one who will lose her now. Maybe that's why I've been acting strange to you"

She looks up at me with furrowed brows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I know she's really happy she found you guys. I'm afraid that she'll forget me or something. Or that she won't be spending as much time with me as we are doing now.. Well, not now.. But you know what I mean"

Jasmine is now the one who's looking at me with compassion in her eyes. "Believe me, she is head over heels with you. We can all see that. I even talked to that fish girl about it. What's her name?"

"Tsireya. And fish girl? Seriously?" I ask, not liking that nickname for my friend.

"Yeah that came out wrong, I actually like her really much. But she and I talked about everything: Y/N's youth, how it is to live here, your relationship... If it makes you feel better, I will give Y/N a heads up when we find her and when I notice that she's spending more time with us then with you"

I nod and smile a little. "Thank you"

We both look down at the sand now. It's quiet for a few minutes. I think we're both thinking about the things we just confessed to eachother. But then, Jasmine breaks the silence again.

"I know that I was the one who started being mean to you" She smiles.

I smile too, finding it funny that she finally confessed it.

"Ugh, stop it" She says. "I am a proud person"

"Oh I know" I start. "Sometimes maybe even a little too proud"

She smiles and nods. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you, though"

"I'm also sorry I didn't trust you" I reply. "Does this mean that we're friends now?"

She laughs. "Well, I don't know if I wanna call you my friend already, but maybe when I know you better.."

We both smile at eachother. But then my smile disappears. Jasmine notices it and puts her hand on my shoulder. "We'll find her"

I nod. "I know. I'm just really worried"

She also nods. "I know, me too.."

It's quiet again for a few seconds. But then Jasmine starts talking again.

"So, tell me a little about yourself, Neteyam"


Four days later

Jasmine's POV

I can't fucking believe it. It's been four days now and we still haven't found her. We search everyday 'till eclipse. I really think we've covered every single part of this forest. So that means that she isn't there..

But where could she be taken to? And by who? I swear, if I find the people who did this, I will kill them very, very slowly and painfully.

But then my thoughts are being interrupted by Neteyam. He comes running up to me.

"Jasmine, my mom is back and got news for us!"

"I'm coming!" I reply.

I run after him. We actually became a little closer after our conversation. He told me everything about himself, his family and his life before they had to run away from the war. I also told him things about myself and my life with the girls.

I'm starting to accept him more. I can see why Y/N fell in love with him, he seems like a sweet and caring guy. And it helps that I know more about him now.

When we arrive at the Sully's tent, we enter and sit down next to the girls, who were already there.

"So, I flew with my Ikran over the forest. I had hope to maybe help your search. But I couldn't find anything" Neteyam's mother starts. "Then I thought that maybe we should make our searching area bigger. Not only the forest, I mean"

"Yeah, I also thought that earlier" I respond.

"So I flew my Ikran a little further, to the end of the forest. And that's when I saw it"

"Saw what?" Neteyam's father asks her.

"A camp. A sky people camp. There were many" She replies to him.

Holy shit..

"That explains so much.." Kiri comes in.

She, Lo'ak and Tuk are also here. They've helped us search, together with Tsireya and her family.

"We've been attacked two times by them when we were in the forest and now we finally know where they come from" Lo'ak fills in.

"How do we get there?" I ask Neteyam's mother.

"We fly with Ikran. We have four, we can all take one of you"

"But that leaves two of us" I say with furrowed brows.

"I can take two with me" Neteyam's father comes in.

Neteyam nods. "Me too"

"Okay" I respond.

I look at the girls, who are already looking at me.

"Let's go"


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