There are more..?

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One day later


Yesterday we basicly did nothing. It was really chill. We just hanged out and talked about everything. Sometimes they asked me a question about my other half, to get to know me better. And now they know everything there is to know.

I was scared that they might be afraid of me, or not look at me the same way anymore. But they didn't. They accepted me for who I am.

And I couldn't be more gratefull for that.

We just had breakfast and everyone is now getting ready to leave and find another place to stay. It's always smart to keep moving and not stay at one place for too long.

"I'm ready!" Tuk says.

"Good, I'm too" I reply. I look at the others to non-verbally ask if they're ready too. They all nod. "Okay, let's go then"

We all climb down the tree trunk and when we're down, we start walking further into the forest.

"Is there another place you know where we can stay?" Neteyam asks me, while walking beside me.

I shake my head. "I don't know, to be honest. I mean, I know these woods a little, from hunting and stuff. But it's still a very big area, I don't think I've covered it all"

He nods. "So we just keep walking?"

"Yeah.." I sigh, not liking that idea either. "We just keep walking.."

It's dangerous for us to be walking out here for so long. We don't know if there are more human soldiers or not. Don't get me wrong, I can protect them. And they can also protect themselves, but it's still dangerous.

But then my thoughts are interrupted by a sound. I hear twigs break a few meters away from us. The group hears it too. We all stop walking immediately. Then I smell something..

Something familiar.

"What was that?" Kiri asks in a whisper.

"I don't know, it came from behind that shrub" Neteyam responds. He looks at me.

I know what he wants and I think it's a good idea too.

I take a step to my left so I have enough space to transform into my lion form.

"Cool.." Tuk says while I do it. She really admires me with her cute, big eyes.

I slowly walk to the shrub.

"Stay behind us" Neteyam lowly says to his siblings, while following me.

When we're almost there, I stop. I look behind me, hoping that Neteyam knows what I want them to do.

First he looks at me confused, but then he gets it. "Guys, take a step back" He says. They all do so.

I look back to the shrub, still smelling the smell. I'm ready to attack, but then something big jumps out from behind the shrub.

What the fuck?

It starts attacking me. I fight back, but when I take a good look, I see that the thing I'm fighting with is a lioness..

Yellow Eyes (Neteyam x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now