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She kept running, she ran right out of the house, her heart beating a million beats a minute. Fear wracked through her, and the only thing she knew was to run. Her father had killed her mother, and that grey eyed man had appeared again, and he looked like he was going to kill someone. But the who, she did not know and prayed that it wasn't her.

Kori hated thinking of all of these bad things that were due to happen. She didn't want to know about death and that man, how did he even play through all of this? Was he somehow related? And why in the world would he need a scythe?

She shook her head, and took in deep breaths of oxygen, looking behind her to see if anyone was following her. The street and sidewalk around was bare. No one was around...

She let herself slow down a bit, and ran her sweaty palms against her pants and swallowed. Kori knew about where she was. Daiz's house should be on this block. She went the rest of the way to her best friend's house at a walk, refraining from checking around for any grey eyed men with black clothes (had it resembled a cloak? Kori didn't remember, nor had she cared to observe so closely.) and a killer silver scythe following behind her.

Kori ran a hand through her hair, impossible to straighten out the mess from her frantic dash, and short disturbed nap.

She sighed and looked down at the ground as her feet soon found stairs that led up to the front door of Daiz's small home. Hesitantly, Kori knocked on the door, before looking around again, hoping it wasn't too late. It was a little dark, probably close to being around 6 PM.

Maybe I should leave .... could be busy...

Her thoughts were cut off as the door was whipped open to a quite surprised Daiz.

"Hey, girl. What brings you here this late?" She said and placed a hand on her pajama pant clad hip, the other holding the door open, a tight fitting tee shirt above; each in a shade of blue. Her hair looked freshly washed; she must have just come from the shower.

"Can I come in?" Kori asked softly, and again ran a hand through her unruly strawberry blonde hair; nervousness was evident, and probably fear, in her movements.

Daiz looked her over quickly and then nodded, "Yeah, come on." She opened tthe door open further, letting Kori slip inside.

Kori looked around a second and waited for Daiz to shut the door, before she then headed to her room.

"Dude, what is going on? You're acting like a frantic bunny." Daiz commented and followed after her friend quickly.

They got up to her room and Kori shut the door behind Daiz, then turned around to face her friend. "Okay.... I took a nap, and my mom was cooking, then my dad came home slightly drunk and they were acting loving, and then my dad had a knife.... and then that man came into my house, wielding a scythe, a scythe!" She realized she said all that fast and nearly screamed at the end of her tale.

Daiz looked at her with a confused expression. "Wait, wait, wait. What'd your dad do with the knife? And what guy?"

Kori took in a deep breath, and ran a hand over her face, hoping to eliminate the burn behind her eyes that signalled the oncoming tears. "I think... he killed her... I heard her scream... I couldn't see what happened because he wouldn't let me. The grey eyed man, the one you said his name was Ardu."

Daiz's eyes widened as she remembered. "You said he had a scythe?"

Kori nodded and took her suddenly shaking self to sit on the edge of Daiz's bed. "Yes." Her voice sounded much quieter than before.

Daiz stood there a moment before turning and sitting next to her. "Its going to be okay.... I'm sure it was nothing. Its getting close to Halloween, people start playing these tricks."

Kori froze. "Are you calling me crazy?!"

"No, Kori, babe, I'm not!

"You are.... you are... you are.." She said quickly and folded her hands in her lap. "You are."


"Don't 'Kori' me." She hissed bitterly, standing up and heading for the door. "It was a mistake for me to come here... I'm sorry..."

Daiz raised a hand, as if reaching to her, but Kori had already walked out the door, and down the stairs. Then she started jogging home again, only to realize that what felt like rain, were warm tears tracking down her cheeks.

Her own friend ... calling her crazy. Maybe she was. Maybe she was crazy.

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