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Kori watched with fascination, never before seeing these very flexible men, holding onto the poles like their life depended on it. Which they probably did, based on the thin strip of the stage they had their bare feet on.

Daiz snapped her fingers from across the table at Kori. "Dude...really? You are practically drooling." She laughed and Kori's head snapped around, fixing her with a glare.

They had gotten here not too long ago, and realized the dancers had started, even though they hadn't started dinner orders. Once they had been seated - by a broad shouldered, wearing nothing but a black speedo, perfectly tan and chisel chested, guy topped with slightly curly copper colored hair, and warm caramel colored eyes - Daiz kept making fun of Kori each time her eyes lingered on a male for more than five seconds.

Kori flushed softly and glared down Daiz until she stopped laughing.

"I was not.."

"You so were!" She said in her defense, and laughed again. "You know I love you, girl... and I'm supposed to look out for you."

"Yeah, sure.." Kori rolled her eyes and scanned around as she noticed a black haired male sauntering over to them. Daiz turned and giggled just as he stopped next to them...

"Well, hello, ladies..." His voice was deep as he purred those three tiny words. Kori slowly let her eyes rake up his finely sculpted chest, and somewhat narrow shoulders, before meeting his eyes.... just as he turned to her...

Grey. They were storm grey.... oh shit...

Kori felt her face flush and she looked down quickly, before giving a look to Daiz and excused herself from the table, walking as quick as she could to the ladies room; thankfully, uninhabited.

Pushing the door open, she turned and shoved it closed before locking it. She then turned and walked to the mirror and looked at her flushed cheeks, her strawberry blonde hair in slight disarray. Her pale blue speckled green eyes stared back at her.

She had recognized those eyes.....
Her eyes met Kori's as she watched her friend get up and leave the table, then she turned her gaze to the stranger male that stood next to them.

"Hello... excuse my friend..." Daiz said quietly, and he pursed his lips sexily, causing Daiz to swallow. Never was she ever perturbed by a guy...yet she'd never met any male so... mouthwatering as he was.

Sharp chin and jaw bone, made him look like he was flawlessly carved from a slab of marble and put on display. Shoulders were just perfect, and when they turned to his chest, his abs definitely were drool worthy. Those eventually tapered down his long torso into his slim waist... Daiz shook herself before snapping her eyes back to his grey ones.

Then he spoke.

"Its completely okay, most run from me." He said and let out a sigh, and looked somewhere else. Daiz could tell that he held wisdom of many... many more years than his young body showed in those grey eyes.

"Mhmm... Kori isn't used to guys..."

He suddenly smiled, and leaned his elbows onto the table, bending at the waist, his biceps barely straining to keep him up. "That's okay..." He said and watched Daiz.

"But I'd like to get her to get closer to one..." She said and saw something in his eyes....like he knew what she meant.

"Mhm.." He pursed his fine pinked lips again, and ran his long fingers softly against his slightly stubbled jaw like he was thinking. "I could help...." He purred.

Daiz' eyes widened, then a slow mischeivious grin spread across her lips. "Yes.....you could..what's your name?"

He looked to her again, after looking away. "Ardu."

Daiz nodded... shivering slightly, even his name sounded sexy.

"I'll just take your number, Ardu ...." She said, happy the way his name rolled from her tongue, pulling a peice of paper from her clutch and a pen, setting it down.

He picked up the pen with his long fingers and wrote his name followed by his number with a steady hand. "There. Tell her to call me." He said and pushed himself up from the table, set the pen down and he turned and walked away...leaving Daiz staring.

What a nice butt ...


Kori came back a few minutes later, feeling slightly better after the thorough washing she gave her face, relieved when she didn't see the man and sat down again.

Daiz mischievously pushed a peice of paper at her, something written on it in exquisite cursive like printed ink.

"You got an admirer." Was all she said.

Kori groaned and softly stuffed the paper into her clutch. Leave it to Daiz....

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