Chapter 9

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Brielle's POV

I abruptly wakes up, sensing someone's presence. I  open my eyes to find Luna sitting beside the couch, our faces only inches apart. She was looking at me intently. Like she's examining me in every little details.

My expression remains indifferent, displaying no sign of surprise.

Her eyes widened with surprise as I slowly woke up, only to find her intense gaze fixed upon me. In that moment, I can hear her heart beating so fast, and her pupils dilated with a mix of curiosity, fear, and uncertainty.

Despite the close proximity of Luna's face, my eyes remained cold and unresponsive, reflecting a lack of empathy or warmth. They were like windows into a heart that seemed immuned to any emotional connection, devoid of kindness or compassion.

The icy clarity of my gaze betrayed a detached and calculated mindset, withholding any flicker of vulnerability or emotion. It was as if my eyes were frozen, incapable of conveying the depth and warmth that typically resides within a person's gaze.

"What are you doing, Ms. Henderson?"

I asked her flatly.

Luna stumbles back slightly, her gaze shifting nervously around the room.

"I-I'm sorry, Brielle. I couldn't help myself. I found myself drawn to you."

My cold stare remains fixed on her, my emotions tightly locked away.

"Well, congratulations on invading my personal space. I must say, it's quite the bold move."

I stated sarcastically.

Her shoulders sink, her insecurity palpable.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Brielle. I was just captivated by the way you looked when you're sleeping. It's as if all the walls surrounding you vanish, revealing a vulnerability I've never seen."

My demeanor softens imperceptibly for a fraction of a second before returning to my emotionless state.

"Ms. Henderson, I don't have time for sentimental nonsense. I prefer to keep my vulnerabilities hidden."

Her eyes well up with tears, her hands fidgeting anxiously.

"I understand, Brielle. I'm sorry for intruding. I just thought maybe...maybe you needed someone to see you, to truly see you."

My icy exterior cracks ever so slightly, a flicker of vulnerability passing through my eyes.

"No one has ever tried to understand me like you do. But you must realize that I cannot afford to let my guard down. It's not safe for me."

She takes a step closer towards me, her voice filled with compassion.

"I just want you to know that I'm here for you, Brielle. And if one day you decide to let someone in, I'll be here waiting, with patience and understanding."

I gazed at her, a mix of curiosity and reluctance in her eyes.

"We'll see about that. But for now, please respect my boundaries."

She nods, her expression filled with reassurance. She steps back, giving me the space I insist upon.

"I will, Brielle. Just know that I'm always here, even if from a distance."

I watches her silently as she left, a glimmer of emotion flickering within my cold exterior. I relaxes momentarily, revealing a hint of longing and a tiny crack in my steely facade.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I remembered my dream.

----Brielle's dream----

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