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Noah :

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Noah :

"Why can't I comeeeee?" Rory whined slumping into the main parlour's shared sofa. I swear to god that sofa belongs to him now, it's the only thing he sits on.

He had been complaining for the past twenty minutes about why I'm not letting him come on my run. The debate has been going back and forth and I see this going nowhere.

"Because you're too slow. You will never catch up, and you will most likely give up halfway. Now, if you would like me to actually even give you a chance, then stop eating crap and lying on the couch whenever you can." I said blatantly as I continued searching for my Apple Watch.

"Okay, what if I promise that I won't give up?" Rory sits like a child a pillow between his crossed legs.

"Then you will be slow."

"Oh come on man! You know Ryan is bringing someone over today and I don't wanna be the one who has to listen to their sex noises." He rolled back and forth. I spluttered out my coffee. The substance spraying all over the kitchenette counter.

"Say what now?" I coughed, clutching my chest.

"Yeah he brings girls round here all the time."

"This isn't even his dorm." I shook my head in disbelief of what Rory just said.

"Yeah but he does anyways."

"And where does he do his- business?" I slumped over the counter, running my fingers through my hair.

"On this couch." Rory gestured to the sofa he sat on, calm as ever.

If those cartoons where the characters eyes pop out of their head exist in reality, that would be exactly what is happening right now.
"How can you be so- you know what never mind. I'm out, and you're not joining me. Final." I dumped the rest of my spit filled coffee down the sink and headed out of the dorm.

I walked down the hallways, glaring at anybody who doesn't move out of the way. Once I reached the school back doors, I effortlessly pried open the old egress. It swung open with a eardrum piercing crank that I was used to, as I've been doing this since year nine.

I decided to take my usual trail, the one I am most familiar with. I slowly picked up my pace as I continued down the trail.

The environment was so peaceful and quiet. The mere chirps of birds blurring into the background as I continue running. But something stopped me in my tracks, the dirt below my feet splayed in the air at my sudden halt.

Something had caught my eye. The soft familiar glint of golden hair in the distance. Sophie sat at the edge of a dock, her classic light pink, embroidered converse shoes dangling above the pond as she chucked pieces of bread to the ducks. Headphones in and completely unaware of her surroundings. I watched as she giggled at the quacking ducks pooling around her feet.

I slowly made my way around the trail, and towards where Sophie sat. Then, approached her from behind, the dock creaking under my weight.

Just as I lightly tapped her shoulder, she turned around screaming and whacked me in the eye.

"What the fuck-" I called out.

Sophie's hand clamped around her mouth in shock. Her other hand clutching her chest heaving up and down.
"I am so sorry!" She apologised, tossing the bread to the side, tearing out her headphones and getting up to help me.

"What did you do that for?" I said rubbing my eye in agony.

"I thought you were going to kill me Noah!" She pouted, fear and anger lacing her voice.

"What we're you thinking coming out here alone!" I seethed.

"What we're you thinking sneaking up on me! It wasn't funny." She yelled back at me, angry Sophie wasn't intimidating at all, instead she resembled angry tinker bell stomping her feet.

"Fair enough. We're both going back the campus right now. You're not even supposed to leave unless you have a pass."

"But what about the ducks? They have feelings too, I just got to know one of them. Look here comes Gertrude." She pointed at one of the ducks that looked identical to the others.

"You can see them another time." I tried dragging her by the arm, as of which was not oddly slim. "Okay- what was that?" She jumped closer to me at the ruffle of the bush nearby. Moments later, a fluffy bunny popped its head out of the greenery.

"Aww look at that, it's so cute." Sophie moved away from me to hug it. "What are you doing- it could have rabies or some kind of disease, you could end up in the infirmary, again"

"But look at it, it's so innocent, no way it could possibly put me in the infirmary." She rolled her eyes, petting the tuff of fur on the bunny's head.

"Ok it's two pm. We are leaving. Now." I exclaimed, exasperated. Sometimes her childish nature is just too much.

"Fine. Bye bye baby." She dropped the ball of fluff on the grass and joined me as we walked back up the trail.

We successfully returned to campus, without an body noticing Sophie had been missing for a bloody five hours. I walked her back to her dorm, my patience for her slowly running out.

"Okay remember no skating until next week. And don't tell anybody that you left school. If you need help, just call me. You have my number, I gave it to you last week." I stated sternly. Deliberately mentioning to not tell anybody. Knowing she would forget.

"Gotcha." She slipped inside her room about to close the door on my face, when I stick my foot between the door and lock, suddenly remember what I've been meaning to ask her. Ever since the incident.

"Hey Sophie, when did you last eat?"

"Hey Sophie, when did you last eat?"

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