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Sophie :

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Sophie :

"Oh! You're awake!" A very pretty lady hovered above me. A harsh ring bled into my consciousness. Blinding me from anything else.

Wait a moment. Where am I? My gaze scanned the environment around me. Realising I hadn't woken up in my dorm, and I was most definitely no longer in the ice rink.

"Here you are. Drink it all." The lady pressed a mug of warm milk into the palms of my hands. Ooo yum..
I may be still stuck with the mystery of where I laid, but whilst I still ponder about it, a nice cup of milk would be nice.

By the looks of it, I was in the..nurses office? But how did I end up here? My elbow nudged something soft by my side, it was my unicorn. How did she end up here?
I quickly seized the plush, peeling it off the filthy sheets pooling around me, and most definitely saving myself from embarrassment.

I sipped on the drink, the confusion adorning my face coming to the lady's attention. I
was in fact confused, and had loads of queries. Majorly about my whereabouts.

"The young man dropped off your unicorn a couple hours ago. The same one who brought you here, I'm pretty sure." The lady said, still occupied with whatever she was doing on her computer.

"Oh. Which young man?" I asked, my perplexed self too asleep to function.
"Uh around six feet in height, brown hair, I think he is a hockey player but I'm not too sure." She was definitely talking about Noah.

"I need to go say sorry." I proceeded to attempt to stand, just then noticing once I did, everything was blurry, and my head felt heavier than usual.

"Oh no darling. Sit, please. You've just fainted, I can't let you walk around freely." She assisted me with lying back down. The woman was very kind, I could tell. But right now all I wanted to do was tell Noah how sorry I was for making him haul my heavy body all the way here. No, I needed to thank him and apologise.

"But I have to go thank him." I mumbled under my shortened breath. Everything was upside down, I swear. If that dresser isn't naturally lopsided and defying gravity, then its me. But it's not anyone's fault and I don't have anyone to blame, besides myself. So, what's the point in even conspiring?

"You can go thank him later when you're not impaired and walking like a zombie." She said persistently.

A zombie? Ouch.

I guess I'll just thank him later when I'm not dizzy and "walking like a zombie." I wouldn't want to embarrass myself would I?

" I wouldn't want to embarrass myself would I?

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Noah :

Two hours earlier.

Sometimes I wonder if the decisions I make when I'm having a quote on quote moment will ever be regretted by my future self because they always, always end up dictating my future.

But, there's always a but, I don't think me stealing Sophie's unicorn just to give it back to her, for the second time, will affect anything.

Sophie is currently unconscious within the infirmary, and probably completely fine. Though I do think that this mildly nice gesture would make her feel a touch better about her figure skating situation.

I used my thumb and index finger to pinch her stolen unicorn, whilst making my way towards her dedicated medical bed, my hockey bag still slung around my shoulder. The thought about why she passed out still lingering at the back of my mind.

She slept so peacefully, curled up into a little ball. Her hair still a ruffled mess from earlier, and warmed to two rosy pink petals amongst her cheeks.

Momentarily, Mrs Calloway interrupted my awkward, intentionally platonic, ogling.

"Are you here for a personal medical situation or are you just here to visit?" She snapped from behind me, yet I remained unfazed by her rude manner. Woman, calm the fuck down, you were fine with me an hour ago.

"Just visiting." I mumbled, tossing the unicorn  around between my hands and lying back on my heel.

"Well hurry it along, we're closing up soon and only actively moderated patients are permitted in here." Mrs Calloway said with a fatigued voice. I sent her a bare nod before shoving the unicorn in Sophie's arms and then proceeding to walk off.

It was an asshole move just walking off but, Mrs Calloway was kicking me out, so what can I say? And, it would be odd of me to spend the rest of my evening awkwardly staring down at Sophie. That's just weird.

Once I had made it back to my dorm base, and accomplished the pursuit of travelling through the pile of shit Rory collected, for the first time in at least a week, I had some downtime. To settle down, and unwind.

I still had a biology report to complete, as well as two English essays to write, however, I simply had no remaining energy to dispense.

I cracked open the door of my room, mentally confirming that Ryan wasn't waiting for me inside, and that I had it to myself for the night.
Russell was at his girlfriend's place tonight, so I didn't have a rowdy roommate to accompany me.

To be honest, Ryan, Rory, and Russell loom around each other most often. They call themselves "3R". And I end up finding myself excluded. But the somber idea of solitude never crossed my mind, so why am I complaining? Ryan and Rory are the most tumultuous amongst 3R and for Russell, he's more conservative. And I respect those who possess conservativeness.

After dumping my hockey equipment in the corner of the room, I headed out of it and into the main parlour. Rory hanging off the couch, a huge Dorito bag in hand. And the rest of the dorm left in neglect. I quickly snatched a cuppa before making my way back into my room.

After a long day packed with effort, I slumped onto my bunk. Chucking my hoodie off my body and towards my hockey bag; continuing to sip down my tea as I evaluate my day.

But just as I was about to return to the kitchen to put my mug away, a rather disturbing revelation emerged in my mind.

I had just now realised that Sophie, never. Fucking. Eats.


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