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Noah :

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Noah :

I feel like I've felt this before. The pit of a situation I've let myself fall into was quite the predicament of the year. Sometimes I wonder if I continue to let myself fall, without any thought, without no reason, if my regret and decisions will inevitably dictate my future.

Every living organism on this planet knows what it feel like to suddenly just stop functioning, like every single cell that is alive was a candle in the dark being put out without a warning. It's almost as if life is a terrarium, and every leaf begins to falter the moment you take a breath and open your eyes to find you're on earth. Once there's no more green to derive air from, you drop dead. You suffocate.

It seems that some live on knowing what it feels like. Doesn't make sense does it? But it does. Those who know what it feels like for everything they have to suddenly go to disposal, their terrarium is burnt down.

Theirs doesn't deteriorate abiding by the lace of their life. But all of them eventually come to realise they can replant a garden. Knowing that they are stronger than any version of themselves that simply ceased to exist right before their eyes. Why? Because they are the only ones standing left. Not relying on oxygen, or a pumping heart to survive. That's when they realise in their forest, they're all they have.

The moment I realised I was on my own the moment I snuck out.

Russell didn't understand how critical the situation was and that Soph probably had a thirty percent chance of living with the effects she's contracted; and Henry most definitely is not going to listen to a single word that leaves my mouth, so what is the point in trying to avoid the very fact I am alone in this.

Something that hit me the hardest was seeing Sophie's internal garden's flame slowing flickering out. All that remained was the dying candle of a dandelion, it's seeds slowly dispersing and finding another place to be. I just hope the place that they are all destined to lie in is me. Even if I am the cause of all of this. Even if it's selfish and I don't deserve it. There's always going to be that little something that brings me back to the thought of the months where she was present.

Having Coach actually listen to what I was saying was like some clarity. But it wasn't something I deserved. Neither is me even having the slightest chance of getting the privilege to go see her. But she deserved it. She deserved to hear me say I'm sorry and that I wanted to start anew. She might not even forgive me, at least this way I know she'll really be happy without my presence instead of being left with a story book filled with pages of empty lines.

Sitting in this passenger seat right now, I had to choose. I had to choose if I was going to decide myself if I should stay away, or allow myself to have the chance of forgiveness.

I could just feel Coach's gaze staring rock hard into me. He would never know how I really felt. Even with everyone turning their backs on me with very good reason, Coach was trying to understand where I was coming from, actually putting in an effort. But why did it feel like it would never be enough until I received the validation I was craving from the person I wanted the most?

"Ok." I replied, keeping my eyes trained on the soft outline of trees in the distance. I listened as the choppy collision of the engine starting filled the space that was growing soon to be larger than the car itself.

"Noah if we're going to do this, right here, right now, we have to establish one rule both of us must abide by." Coach tutted, both of us seemed to be avoiding eye contact with a high regard to isolation, which doesn't quite make sense especially since we were sitting in a mediocre car together.

"You do not breath a word of this to anyone. I will inevitably lose my job, which is a very costly risk to commit I admit, but I am willing to proceed for you." The muscles that don't leave my cheek hollow tensed at the feeling of his eyes burning holes through them.

I responded with a nod, my gaze lost and almost not looking at anything.
"Why are you helping me?" I swallowed hard at my words, my vocal cords still wrapped with the very string of regret, made up of all the things I said that still at the thought of them, made my throat dry.

"I always knew you had a soft spot. Just never showed it."

"That's it?" I finally gained enough emotional strength to be able to look back at him. Just to be met with the sight I probably paid him. He was looking straight at the road. Of course he was.

"You've shown to me you'd rather freeze to death rather than allow another to even come close to their fatal ending. That speaks louder than any words you have thrown at me or the team." It was just then when I had realised how dismally I had failed myself by not applying this kind of determination Coach described to anything else.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome kid."

Honestly I never really needed to thank many people in my life because I had always gotten things done by myself. Mainly due to the fact that no one could reach the standard that I set for everything, the standard only I could surpass.

After another fifteen minutes of driving, we had finally reached the hospital. Coach slid into the parking spot with ease. A perfect four inch gap on each side of the car. Quiet impressive if I do say so myself.

We removed ourselves from the vehicle in a more rushed manner, and began travelling to the hospital's main entrance.

"We need the whereabouts of Sophie Bellrose's room please." As soon as we stepped foot passed the retracting door, I wasted no time getting to the registry desk, just desperate to get to the damn room at this time of day.

"Status?" The lady at the desk looked up from her phone. Shit.
I don't know. Frankly if we were a bit older I'd say husband.

Before I could even answer, someone's voice answered for me. "I am the adult who has current responsibility of the girl. He is my colleague. Now if you cannot tell already, me and my colleague are in a very hasten state so will you please inform us of her room?"

The lady instantly began typing away on her computer, the projections of blue light on her face constantly vanishing just to show up again. Only feeding my desperation allowing it to grow more. Suddenly her expression shifted, confusion causing her brows to furrow.

"You're not who you say you are sir." She looked back up from the screen to face Coach.

"Listen, we do not have time for any shenanigans relating to- Sir, a woman came in earlier and said the same thing." The lady interrupted him with a stern face, her mouth carved into a thin line.


"Ms.Bellerose has been documented for an inter-hospital transfer."

A/N :

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A/N :

Hi, sorry that I've been MIA or what a lot of people call "wiped off the face of the earth" (or just me) but I've been quite busy with my internship and A levels, the brits out there reading will understand, so I do hope to be back post more soon because I have about a hundred drafts that I would like share with my dear readers. But anyway it's 8am where I live and I have a class at two that I haven't done the homework for, so, Merry Early-Christmas and please cross your fingers that I post something within the next week. 

- Mel :)

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