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Noah :

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Noah :

It's almost impossible to explain how I felt when I walked into that room. It felt like everything else that was occurring on this damn planet stopped when we locked our gazes together. 48 hours felt like 48 months just waiting for her eyes to open.

Knowing she is now awake and conscious allows my concerned nerves to retire and rest. I had also become aware of the fact that she is extremely sensitive, physically and mentally, to any procedures that include cutting, injector processes, and overall anything that includes blood.

I'm not surprised at how she was out like a light immediately after her blood was drawn. All her body was running on was whatever she had eaten two days prior, and the nutrients that were being fed to her through a plastic bag.

It was so stupid of me to think that she was fine. All those times she had dodged meals, how did I not notice? I know exactly why. I was in denial. I kept on thinking about how she needed help, it was always running in my mind, like a missing homework assignment. I kept on telling myself not to get involved and that yes she needed help, but not from me.

At this point it doesn't matter who she gets it from, I knew it and refused to put it into action because I was too consumed by the thought of how her problems weren't mine. They were now. That was going to be my biggest regret. Failing to help someone that clearly needed it right in front of me. And yet I still preach the importance of assistance when necessary.

My thoughts sunk deeper just looking at her pale complexion, she looked like a calm body of life, so still she almost looked as if she'd already passed. Which reminded me once more, I caused this.

The worst thing about this accident is how avoidable it could have been. There was a fine line between life and death for a time, and then there was a fine line between her and care for a time.

Both lines were parallel when compared, and both lines could have been crossed, I could have crossed them. Henry had reminded me- as much as he still holds a grudge against me- that thinking about what you didn't do doesn't change the fact that you didn't do it. If you didn't you didn't. It's not fate it's a choice. Everything is a choice, choosing to do nothing is still a choice. Just like how silence is a crime. What you choose to do dictates your next decision. You can't undo what you've done or what you didn't do.

Just as I was about to halt my pondering, someone did for me.

Madame Angpol strolled into the room like a posh ginger cat with freshly coated talons, her nose up in the air and completely ignoring the concept of privacy. The audacity that this woman has puzzles me, so much so my train of thoughts are left as recurring zeros. Completely empty.

Absolutely not. Not today. I may have had the energy to tolerate her behaviour in the past, but it was just especially in these past forty eight hours my meter for tolerating total bullshit was finite.

"It's odd how you have the audacity to show up, don't you think?" I seethed out every word with resentment.

"I have no idea what you're insinuating Alcocer, but let's be honest, both you and me know I couldn't give two shits." Her smile laced with malice as her expression changed like a two faced liar shifting to face her fellow puppet.

"My star, this will do. Minor cuts and bruises but nothing that makeup can't fix." Madame Angpol lifts Sophie's head by her chin, examining every feature where I see perfect, she sees scarred. I dry swallowed down my guilt like a hard pill as she nit picked at my mistakes.

"How unfortunate she won't have enough time to rest before getting back on the ice..don't you think?"

I blinked back at her in disbelief. What the fuck did she just say?

"No. Absolutely not. She's not ready. Are you delusional? Are you actually awake Madame because if you were you'd notice that she's literally unconscious. I may have tolerated your abuse for months but I will do anything in my power to prevent her from getting injured again, do you hear me?" This woman was completely out of her mind to think that anybody was letting Sophie back on ice. Not for months at least, but two weeks?

"I'd watch your tongue Alcocer. We wouldn't want you to get suspended right before your championship, I know you want that trophy." Her tone emphasised on the right before, she knew what I wanted, she knew I wanted both.

"Madame?" Sophie opened her eyes and croaked out groggily. "Yes it is me my dear. I'm here for you." Did someone replace her voice box because she was once a witch in disguise and now in its place was a caring and a sickeningly sweet woman with vile ulterior motives.

"Noah if you wouldn't mind, I believe me and her need some privacy. I'm sure you understand." She gushed.

Sophie mumbled something inaudible whilst Madame Angpol hushed her shut, but throughout all of it Sophie looked at me, what I once thought was just the sheen of innocence was now exposed as fear, raw fear, I could see it deep in her eyes that she was scared to be left alone with her.

In attempt to override her emotions she mouthed an it's okay in my direction, but it just didn't sit right with me leaving her in the same room alone with that- creature. Dammit this girl and what she does to me.

"Ten minutes."

"Please update" Your wish is my command 🫡

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"Please update"
Your wish is my command 🫡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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