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Sophie :

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Sophie :

I laid out my outfit for the day atop my beds sheets. I had spent at least half an hour of my Saturday morning, mix matching and rummaging through my closet for something fitting. Today was the day I finally got the chance to have some fun.

I had spent the rest of the week, in the infirmary under the nurses watch. But getting to build a mini friendship with Mrs. Calloway was quite nice. She's a lovely woman who took care of me for three days, how could I resist?

I am no Cher Horowitz clothing machine, but if I do say so myself I constructed this outfit perfectly.

This morning I was planning to go out for a skate, but nurse had advised me not to. So I guess after breakfast I'll find something else to do.

I headed downstairs to the dining hall, still wondering how to spend my day. I could paint, draw, explore town, do anything that isn't related to physical activity. I was almost twenty minutes late so I had to hurry before roll call was over.

I seated myself down by the lower sixth form bench, along with everybody else. Once roll call had been completed, I pulled out my copy of Little Women from my tote bag. And just as I was about to begin reading where I left off, a taunting figure loomed over me.

"What are you reading, anorak?" The familiar voice of Kithara spat into my ear, as she snatched the book from my grasp and flicked it around in her hands. "Could you give it back please?" I asked timidly, simply just tired at this early hour of the morning.

"How about no?"
Kithara pulled a glass of juice from another junior. About to drench my book with it as the student who's juice was stolen from protested.

I stayed silent, looking down at the ground knowing what she was going to do next. She had been pestering me for the first month of school, at this point I had already learnt to just cope with it.

"Tormenting another girl I see, Kit?" A familiar voice erupted from behind her. Kithara was shoved forward, the orange beverage spilled amongst her chest and my book thrown to the side.

"What the hell is your problem?" Kithara spluttered, wiping her face with her now brassy cardigan as she turned her head. Revealing the same red head I had seen at the ice rink earlier this week. I quickly retrieved some napkins from the dining table, offering them out to her politely.

"You are my problem. Now pick up the book and give it back to her." The boy said imperatively.

Kithara did as he said. Tossing the book into my lap, and scoffed as she ripped my offered napkins from me. After giving the red head one last dirty look, she scampered off back to the sixth form table without a word.

"I don't know how to thank you for that." I let out a relieved sigh, extremely grateful for his presence and the fact that this weeks torment session is now over.

"No need, two seats up, one to the right?" He shrugs his shoulders, a concerned expression adorning his face. I recognise him from my world studies and math classes, he's very smart but extremely quiet. I'm pretty sure he never speaks.

"Yup! That's me. I'm Sophie, what's your name?" I asked cheerily.

"Henry. I think you skate as well, am I right?"

"Yeah I do. I think I remember you from uhh-yes I know our first interaction was exactly..fun." He interrupted seeming to understand where I was going with my sentence.

"Ah it doesn't matter. Those times are frivolous anyways." I sent him a dimpled smile, the weight of Kithara taunting lifted from the atmosphere.

"Cool. I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yeah sure!" I responded, awkwardly avoiding eye contact. A tingle of the bell signifying dismissal rang throughout the dining hall. Saving me from further embarrassment.

I burst out of there as before anyone else could even get to the exit. And although Henry had stopped Kithara's business before it had even begun, the humiliation still remained fresh and distinct in my head.

In conclusion of what I was going to do next, my first instinct was to head to the place where no one bothers to go to.

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