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8 years ago

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8 years ago

Sophie :

"Have a good day liefste"  Papa leaned over me to open my door, "Thank you for driving me to school Papa" I thanked him as per usual, grabbing my satchel before hopping out of the car. "Wait up Ess," he tossed his cap in my direction as I watched it land on the car seat. "Put it on, keep it. It's a little token from me." Papa winked at me comfortingly. I giggled in response.

I pulled on the beret and straightened my skirt, all prepared and ready for the first day of school. I haven't been to school since moving from Leiden. London was so different. Even though they kind of sound the same. It's so funny how words look the same but aren't, isn't it?

I began getting lost in my thoughts just looking at how big this new school was. Or, it really wasn't and I was just small. Papa always says your brain grows even if your body stays the same.

"Oh! And could you grab some dog food for Betje after work? We're running low." I smiled back at him as I started walking backwards receding through the gates.

"Okay. I love you liefste."

Woah. This school is huge. Like those jumbo pops you can get across the street for one pound. The money is different here too. So funny.

Suddenly, I heard a loud car honk behind me, I turned my back to see Papa driving off with his window rolled down, "I love you liefste!" I heard him call out from afar.

Oh it's going to be a good day!

My first two classes were so fun! I met this very very super duper nice teacher names Ms . Darcy she wore the prettiest green skirt, she even let me add a sticker to her cardigan.

I love school in England! Ms . Darcy said she's surprised by how good my English is. She says my math as above average, I don't know what that means but I think it's something good!

I can't wait to tell Papa all about it.

It was lunch time, and might I say that the cafeteria is huge. The food looks quite good, but I should I eat less because I know once I tell Papa, we can do our celebratory tradition of making biscoff biscuits, I like to add rainbow sprinkles but he says it ruins the flavour, but I like to pick out the pink ones.

I skipped through all the other lines for other foods and went straight to the salad bar.

"Could I have some salad please?" I looked up at the lunch lady holding my lunch tray, the hot air from the display fuming in my face. "Of course you can," she replies with a soothing smile, I smile back finding it natural and easy to.

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