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Namjoon's tranquility was shattered as the intrusive melody of his mobile pierced the silence of the night.

An audible groan escaped his lips, fueled by irritation at being disturbed in the midnight hour. The display revealed an unexpected caller, and his discontent grew upon seeing the name: Bratty Prince.

Summoning patience, he answered the call. "Yes, your highness," Namjoon acknowledged, trying to suppress his annoyance.

The vulnerability in the prince's voice, marked by sniffles on the other end, snapped Namjoon to attention.

Concern replaced irritation as he inquired, "Are you okay, little Prince? What happened? Why are you crying?"

Swiftly wearing his shirt, he headed to the prince's chamber without a second thought.

"Joon, sniffles , come to my room," Jin sobbed, his distress evident.

"I'm on my way; don't cry. I'm coming," Namjoon reassured, but the prince had already hung up.

Urgency fueled his steps as he sprinted to Jin's room, knocking forcefully upon arrival.

"If you're Joonie, then please come," Jin's tear-laden voice resonated through the door, tugging at Namjoon's heartstrings.

Entering the room, Namjoon was met with the unexpected collision of Jin's fragile body against his chest.

Instinctively, he encircled the trembling prince with his strong, protective arms.

"What happened? My prince, you're scaring me," Namjoon comforted, rubbing Jin's back while the embrace tightened.

As moments passed, Namjoon felt his own pulse quicken. Jin's emotional state made him acutely aware of the increasing intimacy and the danger it posed. Eventually, Jin pulled back, tear-stained eyes meeting Namjoon's.

His eyes puffy and cheeks wet, Jin looked at Namjoon with doe eyes filled with tears.

Namjoon gently wiped away lingering tears, fighting to restrain his own desires, yearning to comfort the prince without crossing boundaries.

Would it be so bad if he kissed Jin on the lips because they were so kissable? He immediately shook his thoughts gosh he's losing his sanity.

"Please, sit here." Jin ushered Namjoon towards the expansive white couch in his lavishly adorned room.

Namjoon complied, settling onto the luxurious cushions. Jin promptly sit on his lap, enfolding him in a tight embrace, arms securing around Namjoon's neck, while his legs draped gracefully over the sofa.

Namjoon tensed; this was far from ordinary. Anyone claiming this as normal had lost their sanity. What in hell a prince sits on his guard's lap?

"What's the matter, little prince?" Namjoon inquired, regaining his composure.

"He... he passed away." Jin's voice quivered, accompanied by a delicate sniffle.

"Who? Prince, you're causing me concern. Please tell me who has passed away," Namjoon implored, observing the fragile figure in his lap. He resisted wrapping his arms around the prince, opting for a more formal posture.

"My hero from the movie," Jin whimpered, tears threatening to spill from his alpaca-like eyes.

Namjoon sighed, a mixture of relief and frustration. "You frightened me. I thought something terrible had happened to you. Never do this again, or I'll have to report it to the king," he gently scolded.

"Joonie you're such a bitch, why are you scolding me? I'm crying, and I'm sad," Jin protested, burying his face in Namjoon's neck, his voice hoarse.

Namjoon froze again, feeling Jin's warm breath on his neck, he's not gonna lie the soft touch of the younger's lips lingered on his neck.

Bratty Prince's Guard | A NamJin AU Where stories live. Discover now