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First day working with Gobber today. I thought I'd be nervous but I feel ready to work with an old friend again. I saw Gobber sharpening a sword that looked like it'd snap if he didn't stop.
"Hey Gobber, you might want to stop or you'll snap the blade." I say and he turns around
"Ah lad decided to turn up today." He says with a smile. He looks down at the blade and shrugs before putting it in the fire to be melted so it can be made into something else.
"Alright lad. Your first task today is sharpen these weapons and when you're done we'll find something else for you to do." I nod in agreement. Starting off by sharpening weapons is a good start to a day. I start with the first sword and my mind blank. My thoughts stayed quiet as I did my job.
I was halfway through sharpening the weapons when I heard people talking outside. I listened to it and heard it was just Astrid talking to Fishlegs.
"Do you need your axe sharpened?" I call out to her
"Oh yeah. I do actually. I'll grab it now. Thanks H" she says and runs back to her house to get the axe. I let out a smile before continue on my sharpening and polishing. Astrid returned in minutes with her axe. I ran my hand over and laughed because of how shocked I was.
"This is so blunt. You couldn't cut yourself with it." I continued to laugh while she pouted with her arms crossed.
"Don't laugh or when you sharpen it I'll show you how sharp it is" she threatened me. I let out a giggle. She can be scary sometimes but she doesn't scare me.
"You can't hurt me if I don't sharpen it" I tell her. She thought she was being so smart but once she realised I was right her smirk went away.
"Fine. I'll be back in a couple of hours to pick it up. I have a few jobs to do around town. Gobber will be back in about an hour. So don't get into too much trouble." I just looked at her with my eyebrows raised. She laughed then walked away to leave me to do my thing.

It was getting warm  in the shop so by the end of the day I was only in my pants. I didn't care who saw all the scars on my back. I thought it would be obvious to everyone that me being capture multiple times, that I wouldn't have a scar or 20. They really liked their knives when it came to them trying to me to talk. I continued to work when I suddenly felt a cool breeze and it started to snow. Snow? But snow meant... snoggletog. I can't believe it's nearly that time again. I totally forgot about it. I put my shirt on and walk outside to watch the snow fall. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the snow slowly fall onto my hot face. I looked around and saw everyone else having a look as well. I smile to myself and went back inside finish all the polishing.
"Hey Hiccup? Is my ready?" Astrid asked skipping to the front of the forge.
"Yep its all done. I hope you don't mind I put a new layer in the handle. It was getting a bit thin. And I also put your name in it so maybe Snotlout won't try and use it." She takes it from my hands and her eyes lit up.
"Oh my Thor. I love it Hiccup. Thank you" She said running to give me a hug.
"It can be an early gift" I say smiling.

The smile didn't leave Astrid's face all afternoon and during dinner she was still happy. Everyone was so confused because she never this happy for this long. They didn't question it much because she's a lot more fun when she's happy. Dinner was great until my father came over. The mood dropped a bit mostly because why is the chief coming over.
"Hiccup can I speak to you for s second?" I nod and followed him to a corner in the hall.
"So snoggletog is around the corner and I was wondering if you could a dragon show of some sort." I eyes lit up and I couldn't contain my excitement.
"Really? Oh my Thor dad I'd love to." I nearly yell and I hug him as tight as I could. Which isn't very tight since I have not body mass. I run over to the others and told them the news. They also couldn't contain their excitement and this just made Astrid even happier. She got any happier she might turn into Gobber when he has had too much to drink that one year before I was banished.

The next few weeks were busy busy busy with Vikings running around hanging up decorations, making presents for their friends and family and the teens and I getting the dragons ready for the flight show. It started really slow but Snotlout and the twins finally understood what I was trying to get them to do.
The night before snoggletog, everyone was in the great hall doing the finishing touches. The kids went to bed early so Odin would deliver their gifts quicker. I hope they understand that's not how it works. Odin comes when comes. You can't rush a God. I was sitting with Astrid watching the adults drink, laugh and sing. They really don't think before they do sometimes. The night ended earlier than I expected but at least everyone will be up bright early ready to celebrate. 

The sun rose and I saw a new layer of snow on the ground ready for kids and dragons to play in. I walked outside and saw everyone getting up to look around. There were a few people around wishing everyone a happy snoggletog but other then the few people around the village, it was quiet and still. I decided to go to the forge and see if I could make the teens some nice new weapons. I have them all picked out, now all I have to do is making them look nice.
A few hours later, the village erupted with laughter and yelling. Everyone was finally up and ready to celebrate. There were gifts being past out and food being given around. Once the morning proceeded, everyone made their way to the great hall for a snoggletog breakfast which wasn't any different I a normal day but it's the holidays so it makes it more exciting. I wrap up the gift and walk to the great hall to join everyone else to celebrate.

I walk in and saw everyone gathered around different tables talking and still giving out gifts. I walk over to the table with all the teens and give out their gifts. They all opened them with excitement. The twins got matching spears with their name and picture of balf and belch. Snotlout got bludgeon with his and Hookfang. Fishlegs got a small medium size sword with his name and Meatlug. And finally I have Astrid a small dagger with stormfly on it. I got thanks and hugs from them and they could wait to practice with them.

The rest of the day continued with so many smiling faces and singing. Oh Gods the singing. I don't know if they know when to stop. Every corner in this village is a singing viking. I was so glad to go home and lay in bed in silence. It's been a busy day but it was totally worth it.

Supposed to be banished forever (httyd runaway)Where stories live. Discover now