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I walk over to the docks to try and get ahead of everyone so I could talk to him before my father came. When I got to him he wasn't looking me, so I tapped him on the shoulder and his face lit up with excited.
"Master Hic..." I put my hand over his mouth before he could finish.
"shh. No one knows who I am remember and I might I add I'm on the island that I got band from." He looked at me with a confused look then realised what I meant.
"oh, sorry Master. I didn't realise where we were at first. I was just so happy to see you. Oh, and before I forget I have that information you wanted." He reaches behind himself and pulls out a map of the archipelago.
"this is where Viggo and Dagur are staying. They are on Berserker island. I don't know what they are planning but I don't think it's good" he hands me the map and I scan over it. Why would they be on Berserker Island? There's nothing there for them except maybe Dagur was feeling homesick.
"thank you, Johann." I say before walking away to take a better look at it.

I'm in the forest planning my mission to see what Viggo is up to and trying to help the new dragons get ready for their trip to Dragon Island. They didn't seem nervous about leaving this island. I know I am nervous about them leaving. I don't know how the other dragons are going to react to these new comers. They all seem pretty close as a group so they shouldn't get bullied.
I was putting my last piece of equipment onto Toothless' harness when I heard rustling from behind me.
"Astrid, what are you doing here?" I ask without turning around
"Hey. How'd you know?" she asked slightly scared. I turn around and point to my ears. She slightly smiles and let out a light laugh.
"So, where are you going anyway?" she asked
"Um. I'm going to drop these dragons off and go home unless the chief has anything else for me to do." Wait did I just volunteer myself to keep helping. Oh Gods this isn't good.
"Ah I think he wanted you to keep training everyone how to fight." I guess that's not so bad.
"Sure. but I have to do something at home first then I'll be back to help." she nods and I mount Toothless and we took off to the sky.  

I dropped the 4 dragons off at the island and they settled in nicely. Now I was off to Berserker Island to see what they were planning. I decided to go behind the island so I don't get spotted as quickly but I was completely wrong. I was suddenly wrapped in a net and I was trying to get myself out. I grabbed my knife and started to cut threw the net. I was extremely unsuccessful because Viggo and Dagur came to collect their prize.
"A Hiccup so glad you could make it. You know I've always wonder what it would be like to catch you by surprise and I actually quite liked it" he says with a smirk
"Oh brother. We are surprised that you came. Usually you would scope the place out before getting attack but man you just went for it" Dagur said while laughing.
"well I was hoping to get the drop on you but I guess I failed." Some other Viking grabbed my hands to tie them behind me and another on muzzled toothless. This is not how I was planning this to go. They took toothless to who knows where and they dragged me into a room. I was pushed onto a chair now my feet where tied together.
"Now Hiccup Haddock, we've got you now. Its time for you to answer the question everyone is wondering... How do you train dragons?" he asked calmly
"and I have already told you, I'm not telling you" I say between gritted teeth. I regrated my decision within seconds. I felt a cold blade of a knife running down my back. I hissed in pain as I felt the warm liquid running down my back. Great, another scar to add to my collection of scars and burns.
This questioning and pain went on for a little while longer before figured they wouldn't be getting much out me today. They left me in the chair to stay for the night. They're going to regret leaving me alone with no guards.
I wait for a few hours to make sure that all the guards and other Vikings were asleep before execute my plan. When I heard no more footsteps I started undoing the ropes. The one advantages of having long skinny arms. They were never good at keeping me captive. The longest they've had me was 2 weeks but I was unconscious for most of it. Once I was free I made my way to the dragon cages. Toothless was sleeping peacefully until he heard me coming.
"Hey bud, I'm here to get us out" he calmed down right away and waited for me to open the door and untie him.
"let's get out of here bud." Toothless jumped into the air with no complaint.

We arrived back to Berk and wen to the cove to sleep. I put my tunic in the river so I could wash all the blood off it. I settle under toothless' wing and we fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow held for us.

It's been a few weeks since Toothless and I escaped from Viggo. I've been training all the young Vikings hard and Astrid and I became friends. Every time I needed to complain about one of the student, she'd be there to agree with me.

My days consist of having breakfast with toothless at the cove then me meeting Astrid and the gang at the great hall to organise our day. Next we go to the training arena to train the next generation of Vikings. The one student that annoyed everyone was Gustav. He thought he was better than anyone else and that arrogance let all the gang beat him but no other student could get him down. Everything was going alright for me. I still wanted to go home. If I get caught out something bad might happen.

It was a quiet afternoon when I saw a ship docking at the docks. I looked closer and saw that Johann was back. I wonder what his bought this time.
"Hi Johann. How was your trip?" I ask while looking around to see what's around.
"Ah Master. How are you? I'm truly sorry about what happened." He says looking down
"Don't sweat it. I'll take this squid ink." I say and leave him to go to the cove.

I was sitting on a rock drawing when Astrid came to join me. She didn't say, just sat down next to me while I finished my drawing. When I finished I held it out in front of to admire my work.
"Can I ask you something?" Astrid asked
"Sure what is it?" I asked still looking at my drawing
"Why does Johann call you Master?"
"Well usually he calls me Master Hiccup but I always tell him to call me Hiccup. He just never listens to me. Master Hiccup this and Master Hiccup that." I tell her shaking my head. It took me a few seconds to realise what I said. I lift my head slowly and turn it towards Astrid. Oh Thor. What have I done.
"Astrid... I can explain" I say standing up putting my hands up in defence.
"You're not supposed to be here. You were banished" she said in a calm but angry tone.
"Guess what I didn't want to come but what did you do? Ha? You pretty much dragged me here so my father could meet the mysterious rider. Then, I had to fix your dragon problem which was tiny. But then it gets better, you wanted me to teach you guys how to fight. I tried to leave but I couldn't because you wanted stuff from me." I was almost out of breath by the time I was finished yelling at her. It was her fault that I'm here and it's also her fault that I'm still here.
"You have to tell your father." She says calmly like she didn't want me to tell him. I sigh knowing that she is right. I nod and we slowly walk back to the village.

When we got there, Astrid knocked on his door and we waited for him to answer. The door opened and out come my father.
"Hello you 2. How can I help you?" I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't think I can do it.
"Um nothing bye" I say trying to get away but Astrid grabbed me by the collar.
"Don't you even think about H. You're telling him or I'll do it"
"Fine. I told you that I defeated the red death because of a certain reason. Well the reason is I got banished from my previous island... by my father who didn't understand dragon's back then. I only came back because Astrid forced me and then you needed help. I wasn't going to leave when you really needed me. I'm... I'm sorry dad." I couldn't look him in the eyes. I kept my head down not wanting to look at him. All I wanted to do is go home to my island.

Supposed to be banished forever (httyd runaway)Where stories live. Discover now