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The light from the sun woke me up from my peaceful sleep. I sit up and notice all the dragons were gone except Toothless. I walk to the cove to see if the dragons enjoy it as much as I did. I walk down the steep cliff to see the dragons enjoy a breakfast or a bath. Toothless looked at me and I knew what he wanted.
"go ahead bud" he gives me a gummy smile and run off to play with the other dragons. I leave them to play and eat so I could see what everyone else was up too.

I find everyone eating their breakfast in the Great Hall. I make my way over to Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins.
"Hey mind if I sit?" I ask.
"Sure, go ahead." Fishlegs said with excitement. Astrid glared at me like I'm some bad person. I wonder what goes on in her mind? We made small talk during breakfast not really knowing what to say until Astrid opened her mouth.
"why don't you share some of your adventures to the tribe. I'm sure they'd love to hear about you." She didn't seem very interested in what I would say about me.
"ah... sure. I'll talk to Stoick now than." I stood up without another thought and went to talk with the chief. I walk up to him and wait for him to acknowledge that I was there.
"Lad, what can I help you with?" Stoick says cheerfully
"I thought while everyone was eating I'd share some stories about my adventures" I completely nervous that he was going to turn me down and say I was being stupid and that no one would care about me.
"that would be a brilliant idea. People won't shut up about you and they keep asking me questions. Why don't you answer them for us?"
"sure. I'd love to" I say with contained excitement
"people of Berk, your chief has said that you want to get to know me. Why don't you guys ask me questions" I say loudly. I waited for someone to put their hand but Astrid yelled me a question before anyone had a chance.
"how did you lose the leg?" she could've said it more politely
"so, you all know that I defected the Red Death and stopped all the dragon raids. Well 5 years ago, 1 year after a certain advent. I flew to Dragon Island to see why all the dragons always gathered at this place and saw that they were being controlled. Toothless and I thought that we'd stop her so we did. In the process I lost my leg. It took me a whole month to recover and walk again." I finish my story and everyone was silent. No one spoke.
"tell us more stories." Someone yelled. I let a chuckle and continued on telling stories about my adventures to new archipelagos. I didn't stay there for because that's where I made most of my enemies. I pray I wouldn't see their faces anytime soon.

After breakfast and story time, Stoick thought it'd be a brilliant idea for me to teach the 5 Vikings more about weapon combat and hand to hand combat. I knew so much because of all the stuff I've been through. We decided to do the training in the old killing arena which is now used for learning basic fighting skills young Vikings. We walk in and as ewe walking I could hear someone quietly running behind. They were trying to do a sneak attack. I waited until I knew they were close and took a huge step to the side. It was Snotlout trying to get the jump on me.
"Oh Snotlout. You've got to try harder than that to take me down. I have enhanced hearing." I say the last sentence in a whisper. I chuckle and ask them to line up.
"the best way to take your opponent down is to do pretty much what Snotlout did BUT, you need to make sure you know their strengths and weaknesses. My strength is my hearing and speed. My weakness is people calling me by my name. Yes, it's a strange weakness but it slows me down." every time my enemy called me by my name I just stop and remember that I have no one but my dragon to watch my back. We started off slow just trying to tackle each other to ground. Astrid was trying so hard to get me down but I wouldn't budge. She was easy to get down. She'd always leave one of her legs out so I could trip her over. Everyone was doing well so gave them a huge challenge. Them against me. I want to see what they've learned from everything I've said to them. At first, they took turns in trying to take me down but slowly went downhill because they couldn't use my weakness. One day I was planning on telling them I was alive and well but they kindly asked for my help. I wasn't going to say no because they couldn't recognise me. They all were getting tired of not being able to get me down so they all gave up.

I spent the rest of the afternoon training the now not so wild dragons and we should be able to leave tomorrow morning. They listened to everything I had to say and every so often a villager would come and see our process but also to meet the new trained dragons. I was walking back to the centre of town and everything was going to plan until I hear the words I was hoping I wouldn't hear while I was here.
"Trader Johann is here" yelled a villager. Great now Stoick is going to tell him I was here and he's going to blow my cover. I need to get to him first or all hell is going to break loose. I don't know what my father would do if he found out I was back here again.

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