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We arrive at Berk in the late afternoon. No one talked much on the way back. I would make snide remarks about the group to Toothless who just cooed in amusement. I helped them dock the boat and I told Toothless to go to the forest.
"where is he going?" Snotlout asked
"He's just going to the forest so he can venture around." He looked at me weirdly which I just ignored. I followed the Vikings to where my father was... I mean where the chief of Berk is. We ended up in the Great Hall. We mount the stairs and open the huge doors. He was sitting at the back of the hall talking to Gobber.
"chief, sir. This is the dragon rider you've been wanting to meet for a while" Astrid said proudly like I was prize or something. Stoick's eyes went from the girl Viking to me. He stood up all proud and made his way to me.
"Lad, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Stoick the Vast" He says extending his hand. I shake with a slight non-noticeable hesitation.
"Hello Stoick. It's nice to meet you too" I say with a smile. He looked at me like he was waiting for something/
"your name lad?" he asked
"oh. Yeah, I cannot share information with you. No one knows the name of the mysterious rider. That's why I'm mysterious." I said with a slight chuckle at the end. He had slight disapproved look on his face that went away quickly
"well, welcome to our island. Since you're here, do you mind if you help us with the wild dragon situation on our island?" he asked with hope in his eyes. I was hoping I wouldn't be here much longer. I took a deep breath thought for a second. If I stay to help it should only take a day or two and when I finish I should be able to leave... unless they more jobs for me.
"sure. I'd love to help you guys out. Do you mind showing me where the dragons are?" I'm kind of curious to how many dragons are actually taking over this island.

We make it to the middle of the forest when we reach our destination. We were in the middle of nowhere with a large clearing in the centre. I decided to have a little bit of fun with these Vikings and let out a loud Night fury call. They were freaking out and I was waiting for my best friend to arrive. I hear rustling behind me and I turn around to see my best friend. He jumps onto me and starting licking my face.
"hey. You know that doesn't wash out" I say laughing and pushing myself up. I was still having a laugh when I turned around to see Stoick, Gobber and the 5 other Vikings looking me like I was crazy. The 5 Vikings has already met him but the other 2 were completely shocked.
"boy, you trained this dragon?" Gobber asked with the slight of curiosity in his voice
"ah yeah. We met about 6 years ago. We became friends instantly." They kept their distance and focused on the task at hand. Finding these wild dragons. They told me that most of them left and found a new place to live aka dragon island. 4 dragons still remain on this island: A Deadly Nadder, a Monstrous Nightmare, Hidious Zippleback and a Gronkle. Only one of them I feel like I'm going to have trouble with. The Monstrous Nightmare can be hard to train if they've had a bad experience with humans.
I waited for a few more minutes before I called it a night but before I was about to speak, the Nadder came out of the bushes. I waved everyone back and slowly walked up to the dragon. She was absolutely beautiful. She approached me slowly and her eye lit up. I remember her now. She was in the killing arena all those years ago. I thought they would have killed all of those dragons in those cages. I smile at her pat her on the cheek. She let out this light roar and all of the other dragons came out. The Nightmare stood back a couple of feet keeping his distance. I slowly walk up to him and held out my hand. I didn't approach anymore because I want him to come to me. We waited a few more seconds keeping our eyes on each other and he slowly came up to me putting his nose to my hand.  I turn around again to see the Vikings look at me like I'm some weird human not from this planet.
"ah, so they are friendly. Do you mind if they stay in the woods overnight? I want to train them tomorrow so they can leave as soon as" I asked
"ah yeah sure of course they can stay. As long as they stay in the forest" Stoick said in warning tone. I nod and smile.
"I'm just going to sleep here since I'm not going to be here for long" Stoick just nodded and all the Viking left leaving me with all the dragons. They look at me and start making a circle around me. Toothless joined into the protective circle and we fell asleep within minutes. It's been a really long and confusing day.

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