The Yoos Pt 2

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The sun had yet to peak over the horizon when Jeongyeon opened her eyes, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. Her instincts told her it was early in the morning so why was she awake?

Her arm was still draped over a certain sleeping bunny's waist. Nayeon had more or less forced Jeongyeon to spoon her last night when they had laid down for bed. Of course, she had put up a fight at first but eventually caved into the older woman's request.

"It will help me sleep. Please Jeong?"

Like she could say no to that.

So here she was, with Nayeon's back pressed against her chest. Jeongyeon moved forward on instinct, pressing herself closer to the other woman. Nayeon's floral body lotion invaded her nostrils and Jeongyeon ducked her head down a bit to inhale deeply, feeling herself calm at the familiar scent.

A slight movement next to Nayeon caught her eye and she broke out into a grin. So that's why she was awake so early.

Jeongyeon carefully removed herself from Nayeon and tucked the covers around her some more. The older woman only moved around a little before settling down again. Once she was sure she wasn't awake, Jeongyeon shuffled over to Ryujin.

Ryujin smiled and cooed when she saw her. The little girl reached up her arms, ready to be picked up and cuddled.

"Good morning little monkey," Jeongyeon whispered. She picked up Ryujin and the little girl instantly snuggled herself against Jeongyeon's neck.

"Aigoo, are you still tired?" Jeongyeon rubbed her hand up and down her back. "You had a busy day yesterday."

Jeongyeon slowly stood up, quietly rocking Ryujin back and forth while keeping an eye on the sleeping woman at her feet.

"Come on Ryujinie, let's let eomma sleep some more," Jeongyeon said softly. She grabbed the diaper bag and slipped from the room.

Jeongyeon padded down the hall and headed towards the living room. She wasn't surprised at all to see the lights on and both her parents awake, already sitting in their recliners. They each had a cup of coffee in hand while watching the early morning news.

"Good morning," Jeongyeon greeted them.

"Omo, our little princess is already up so early?" Mr. Yoo said when he caught sight of Ryujin.

"Yeah. I'm sure she needs to be changed and is ready to eat. Nayeon is still sleeping so I got up with her," Jeongyeon explained. "Eomma, can you hold her while I fix her bottle?"

"I'll take care of her Jeongyeonie," Mrs. Yoo said. She set her coffee aside and took Ryujin then motioned for the diaper bag too. "Now go back to bed. I can tell how tired you still are, you need proper rest."

"Eomma, I'm fine really," Jeongyeon said. "I can take care of her."

"And I can't? I raised you and your sisters for all these years. I still know how to change diapers and fix bottles. Now go."

Her mother shot her the look that all mothers do when they know better than their children.

Mr. Yoo chuckled at his wife and daughter. "Eomma knows what she's doing Jeongyeonie. Go back to bed okay?"

Jeongyeon sighed in defeat; she knew there was no winning against them. "Yes appa."

Jeongyeon leaned down to press a kiss to Ryujin's forehead before leaving. She made a quick detour to the restroom then headed back to bed.

Nayeon hadn't moved an inch. She was still curled up in the middle of the sleeping mat with her mouth slightly parted. Jeongyeon settled herself back down, trying not to wake her up.

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