An Unexpected Call (M)

666 35 13

a/n: Some mature content

Nayeon knew Jeongyeon had a temper though it was rare to see now that they were older. The younger woman had matured and learned to control her anger as the years passed, and the  few occasions Nayeon had witnessed her lose control had been brought about by stress.

Apparently stress was getting to her now as Nayeon could clearly hear her normally sweet girlfriend giving some poor soul a verbal dress down over the phone. She cringed when Jeongyeon let loose a string of curse words that usually had her slapping the younger woman's arm as a warning; Ryujin didn't need to hear that kind of language.

But luckily for Jeongyeon, Ryujin was with Jihyo and Sana for the next few hours. Sana had more or less demanded she and Jihyo get to watch Ryujin once she'd discovered Chaeyoung had kept her the day before. Those two seemed to be competing for the title of favorite aunt, and Nayeon found herself with very eager babysitters.

Not that she was complaining about it, especially now that she and Jeongyeon were living together. The couple was able to have lots of quality time together thanks to them.


Nayeon rolled her eyes at the sudden expletive. She got up from her spot on the couch, abandoning the movie she'd been trying to watch, and quickly made her way to her girlfriend's office.

"Yoo Jeongyeon! Just because Ryujin isn't here doesn't mean you can curse like that," Nayeon said sharply.

Jeongyeon winced at Nayeon's tone, knowing she'd been caught red handed. Nayeon stood there in the doorway, hands on her hips and a disapproving frown on her face.

"I'm sorry Nabongs," Jeongyeon said before letting out a deep sigh.

Nayeon's stern expression quickly softened as she took in Jeongyeon's appearance. The younger woman looked tired. There were evident bags under her eyes and her short black hair, usually so neat, was in disarray. Nayeon stepped around the desk and began to comb out the unruly hair with her long fingers.

"Yeobo, take a break," Nayeon said as she continued to run her fingers through the black strands, lightly massaging her girlfriend's scalp.

"I can't," Jeongyeon protested. "I have two deadlines coming up and Jimin, that son of a bi-"

A sharp tug on her hair made Jeongyeon wince. She bit back the expletive.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. Her bad habit was getting her in a lot of trouble lately.

Nayeon resumed her massage and Jeongyeon sank into her chair as tension in her body began to ease. She really did need to finish up her songs, but Nayeon was right, she needed a break. These hectic deadlines had been driving her crazy for the past week. And she definitely owed Jimin an apology. Her writing partner had become the unfortunate target of her frustration.

"You've been cooped up in your office for hours. Take a break," Nayeon said again.

She wrapped her arms around Jeongyeon's neck and leaned down to place a small kiss against her cheek.

"Want to eat some ramyun?"

Jeongyeon suddenly tugged at her girlfriend's arms, pulling her from behind the chair and down onto her lap, causing Nayeon to squeal in surprise. She gave her girlfriend a heated look that let her know exactly what she wanted right now.

"That's not what I meant Jeongyeon," Nayeon huffed as she slapped her naughty girlfriend's shoulder.

"Why not? Ryujin won't be back for a few hours."

Jeongyeon learned forward and pressed her lips against the pulse point on Nayeon's neck, trailing lazy kisses up to her jawline then back down again to her collarbone. Her tongue slipped out to taste the soft skin that she never seemed to get enough of.

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