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When you both returned, the lights were turned off, only your LED neon lights of purple remained on.

The indigo haired male seemed to be inside his black quilt, seeming to be asleep.

"Was he that flustered by a kiss?" Hu Tao whispered.

"We didn't kiss, you dumb fuck." You replied back.

"My bad. Sorry, the entire school will think you both have kissed tomorrow though," Hu Tao said, itching her hair.

You slapped her arm. "Why do you always spread misinformation, Hu?" You said.

"Sorry," She said, dragging the 'y' for a little while.

"Well.. can I sleep in your bed? You have plenty of space." Hu Tao asks.

"No. Get out." You replied back.

"You're so spoiled, es em eych" She said, pouting her lips.

"You're one to talk after telling everyone misinformation and secrets," You replied.

"Secrets? Ooooh... so you did kiss." She said, smiling.

"Can you kill yourself, like, actually?" You said, eyeing her.

"Okay, sorry sorry. But you two look cute together! Sorry, I interrupted the moment." Hu Tao replied.

Scaramouche then coughed.

"Are you both not sleeping yet? Atleast whisper, idiots." Scaramouche said, falling asleep again.

You rolled your eyes, and then looked at Hu Tao.

"You can stay here, I won't mind. But I'll be in the living room watching T.V, I don't feel like sleeping." You told Hu Tao.

"You're going to leave me all alone here?" Hu Tao said.

"Yes, yes I am." You replied back.

"I'm not scared anyway. Wait, could I join you? We could watch horror documentaries together." Hu Tao suggested.

"Absolutely not, not at this time of night," You replied back.

"It's the perfect time, day and year! Come on now, don't be so scared." She replied back.

You noticed what she was trying to do, and gave in. You simply couldn't swallow your pride, nor admit that you were actually terrified of anything horror, especially at night.

Sure, it's fun to watch sometimes, but at 2 am?

Hell. No.

"Teehee, you're scared aren't you?" Hu Tao asked.

"No, for your information I'm not." You replied back.

"We'll see." She replied, finding the scariest documentary to watch.

You gulped as you saw the thumbnail of the documentary, you were chilled.

Hu Tao looked at you with a smirk on her face, pressing the button which then began the documentary.

Hu Tao watched with a straight face, seemingly even finding interest in it.

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